Chapter 6

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On the drive home Harry figures he'd better call his mom let her know things are okay. "Babe, can you hand me my phone? It's in the passenger seat." He asks a still silent Jamie in his lap.

Jamie turns and grabs his phone but then realizes he needs one hand to steer with and the other is wrapped around her. "Who are you planning on calling?" She asks looking at him.

"Mom, to let her know you're okay and we're on our way home." He says kissing her head.

"Oh, uhm. It's password locked. Want me to steer while you do this?" She asks.

"No. It's fine the password is 0202. Babe, I have nothing to hide from you. The worse thing you might see in there is some old texts from Debra I haven't deleted yet." He says.

"Well I'm not gonna see them now either." Jamie smiles and kisses his cheek. "I'm making a call not sending a text. I have no reason to snoop through your phone." She says as she finds Anne's contact. She then holds the phone to Harry's ear so he can drive while telling him mom what happen.

"Mom, I'll be there in 10 minutes. You can asks me these questions then. Or better yet, asks her." He chuckles. "Fine, love you too."

"Harry?" Jamie nudges him softly to get his attention.

"Yeah, babe? You okay" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What about Lou and Ed? Don't we need to call them too? She asks quietly.

"Yeah, we do. And I really need to apologize to them. Excpecially Louis, I've been a real ass here lately." He tells her as he pulls into his driveway and parks.

His mom and Robin walks out of the house just as he climbs out of the car still holding Jamie. His mom's jaw drops. "Oh my God. Harry Edward Styles, please tell me you didn't drive all the way home with her on your lap."

"Okay." Harry shrugs. "I didn't." He says as he walks by his mom toward the door.

"Freeze." His mom yells.

Harry does, his mom doesn't yell often, but when she does, you listen. He turns and looks at her.

Anne walks toward Harry and Jamie. She looks at Harry very closely first, she could see the signs of him recently crying, she then looks at his hands and sees how they are all scratched up and his pants are ripped and muddy. She then turns her focus to Jamie, she sees recent dried tear stains present on her also but, thank God, no new damage.

"I told you that first night you better take care of her, Harry." Anne says looking him straight in the the eyes. "And from what I've seen all you've done is cause her more pain. I'm not going to say she might be better off back with that bitch of an aunt of hers, but I am saying she might be better off somewhere else."

Harry is shocked by what his mom's saying. "No. What the hell mom."

"Shut up." Anne snaps. "Harry I have sat and seen you on two different occasion already lose your temper with her, one to the point where she's almost went into a full fledged panic attack, that's not healthy for her. Not right now so soon after her parents death. She might be better off living with Robin for now. Just until you get your act together." Anne says.

"Mom, no." Harry goes to argue with her. Suddenly he notices the tightening of Jamie's hand in his hair, he then looks down and sees her rapid breathing and pulse in her neck and realizes the effect his mom's word is having on her. "Oh shit." Harry cries as he spins and runs toward the door. He runs right to the kitchen for the ice pack he's told to keep there just for these episodes. Grabbing it he just sits in the floor and places it on the back of her neck and rocks her. "Shh, babe, it's okay. I got you. I got you and I'll never let go, I promise. I love you, Jamie. You hear me, no one will separate us, where you go I will to." Harry cries as she shook.

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