Chapter 20

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Three months, it's been three months and Jamie knows something is wrong. She's been trying to eat all the right things, she knows she should have gone to see a doctor, but she just couldn't risk getting caught. Well it's to late now, if the cramping wrapping around her middle right now, causing her small baby bump to tighten, is anything to go by. She needs help and she needs it fast. Jamie makes her way carefully down the step that comes out in the kitchen, knowing that everyone is probably in the livingroom. Easing the door open she finds the room empty. Closing the door quietly she slowly makes her way toward the voices in the other room, when she gets to the doorway she sees the 3 guys sitting there eating. Suddenly a massive cramp hits this one's the worse one yet. Jamie's knees buckles and she screams, holding her stomach.

At hearing the scream behind him Harry knows it's his wife, he's up and over the back of the couch in seconds, only to find her on the floor on her knees with her arms around her waist, bending over slightly. He goes to her, lays her down. "Jamie, babe what's wrong?" He asks, moving her arms. That's when he sees it. The bump that wasn't there the last time he saw her. He doesn't know what to say or do, he just sits and stares at her stomach. Another scream is ripped from her, causing Harry to spring into action. He scoops her up and runs to the door yelling for the other to come so one of them can drive.
By the time they get to the hospital Jamie has passed out scaring Harry to death. Running in, he quickly tells the staff what's going on and they take them both to a room in the back, perks of being the dad, right away she's surrounded by several doctors, nurses, multiple machines and tubes, and all Harry can do is stand back and watch.
Harry is sitting in the corner of the room out of the way, letting the professionals do their job. He just wishes he knew what's going on, is Jamie okay, hell is the baby okay.

"Mr. Styles? The doctor needs to speek with you." One of the nurses tells him.

Harry nods, stands and walks toward the bed where his wife is laying. Harry looks at his name tag so he'll know what to call him. "Dr. Carson, I'm Harry, Jamie's husband."

"Ah, yes. Very lucky little lady you have here." The doctor says.

"What happen?" Harry asks him.

"Well, if you haven't noticed your wife here is quite small, and son, I have to say you're not." The doctor tells him. "It seems that this child you're having is going to take after daddy and is making mommy suffer for it."

Harry pales. He looks at Jamie and sees her looking at him. "What are our options?" He asks swollowing.

"Well, there's total bed rest until she's carried this child long enough to survive outside the human body. Or abortion, before it's to late." The doctor tells them.

Harry opens his mouth to yell for him to get rid of the kid, but he looks at his wife again and says instead. "Can we have a few minutes please? We need to talk."

"Of course, son, this isn't something just one of you can decide on. You're in this together." The doctor says before walking out.

Harry sits in the chair beside the bed and grabs Jamie's hand, when she jerks it away he hang his head. "What do you want to do?"

Jamie just looks at him for a second, he's lost weight and has dark circles under his eyes. She realizes he's suffered while she's been hiding. "You're not killing my baby." She says not willing to forgive him yet.

Harry nods and stand. He walks to the door and calls the doctor back in. "What do we have to do, and how long does she have to stay here."

Dr. Carson nods. "So you're keeping the baby?" At Harry's nod, he continues. "Well, she can go home, now that we've got things under control. But, like I said, complete bed rest, I don't care if you have to carry her everywhere you go. I don't want her walking to the bathroom by herself. So that means 24 hour care. You leave, have someone you trust stay with her." The doctor hands Harry a card with a number on it. "You have any questions call that number, any problems please call 911 immediately. Now get out of here and get her home, in bed."

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