Chapter 4

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Harry wakes up the next morning to his hair being pulled. Opening his eyes he sees Jamie's face with tears on it and eyes filled with pain. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks in that deep morning voice she's come to love.

"Everything just hurts. I'm getting so tired of this Harry. Why do people think it's OK to use others as their punching bags?" She cries. "It's wrong."

"Shh, babe. I know. I hate seeing you this way. Please don't cry, you'll make me cry too." He tells her.

She pulls away slightly and looks at him. "Why would you do that?" She asks.

"Are you kidding?" He says as he wipes tears off her face. "Since meeting you that's all it seem like I've done. You pass out, I cry. You get beat up by your aunt, I cry. I scare you to the point of almost passing out, I cry. Sweety you have turned me into the biggest baby in town." He teases.

Jamie giggles. "Well, my daddy always said "real men aren't afraid to show emotions, crying is part of human nature, take a true man to prove that" I alway respected him for that. He would cry during sad movies and not be ashamed." Jamie gave a small smile at the memory.

"Then I am one hell of a man cause I've been blubbering like a baby for the past three days." Harry chuckles.

Jamie smiles. "Well, I have a small problem here. You can either call a nurse or help me yourself, but if I don't get to the bathroom soon we are both going to be wet very soon." Jamie states.

Harry laughs. "Okay. Do you trust me?" He asks her.

"Harry, what kind of question is that? Of course I do. I met you 3 days ago, and I've been sleeping with you every night since." She reminds him.

Harry smiles realizing she's right. "True, okay come on." He says helping her out of the bed carefully. Once she's standing he let's her stand there till she has her balance, when she nods, he put one arm around her waist, keeps ahold of one her hands with the other, they slowly make their way to the bathroom. Once they get to their destination he tells her he'll be right outside the door, to yell when she's done. Harry has just got Jamie back in bed when his mom walks in with clothes and breakfast for the both of them.

"Morning." Anne says as she drops one bad in a chair and hands Harry the other. She then kisses his cheek and walks around the bed and does the same to Jamie. "How you feeling this morning?"

"Sore, but I want to go home." She replies accepting the breakfast sandwich Harry hands her. "Thanks." She says smiling at him.

"Well I talked to the doctor before coming in here. He said he has a few patients to see then he will be in here to check on you. If things look okay, you can go home." Anne says as she starts eating her own food.

Jamie eats about half her sandwich but that's all she can handle, she's never been able to eat much, so she nudges Harry with her elbow. When he looks down at her she just hands it to him. He takes it and starts eating the rest of it not asking any questions, almost like they have done this all their lives. Anne just smiles and finishes her own food knowing the two kids don't even realize what they are doing.

"Mom? What happened to Debra? With everything that went on yesterday I never even thought to ask." Harry finally asks the question that's been bothering him.

"Truthfully, I'm not sure." Anne tells him. "I was more worries about Jamie. Once she was loaded up in the ambulance, Robin and I left to follow you guys. The last thing I saw was the cops talking to the three girls. We can always go by there and find out if you want." She adds.

Harry looks down at Jamie to see what she wants to do and she just shakes her head. "I guess not." Harry shrugs. Just then there's a knock on the door and two uniformed cops walk in. Harry feels Jamie stiffen beside him so he pulls her onto his lap.

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