Chapter 5

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Harry and Jamie's first argument happens the very next day. They are in the kitchen eating breakfast when it all starts, but this time Jamie doesn't get scared and run or back away from Harry she stands her ground like she used to.

"What do you mean we're going to school? Babe you can barely walk around the house, how are you going to get around a crowded hallway full of students bumping into you?" Harry asks trying to keep calm.

"Easy." She replies. "I'll have you on one side of me and one of the other guys on the other side to protect me. It will be you guys getting pushed around not me."

"No. One more day won't hurt." Harry says.

"Harry this will be my fourth day in this school and I've only went one day. I need to go back. It's not like you won't be right there with me." She argues the point.

Harry can feel himself losing control and knows he's about to say something he's going to regret but can't stop himself. It's just how he is. "Well if you go you're on your own I won't help you out." He snaps.

"Seriously? That's how you want to be?" She asks a little shocked. "You know what, fine, if this is all it takes for you to leave me to fend for myself I'm glad to know now than find out later when it's really something important." Jamie yells as she heads for the door. "Fuck you Harry, I don't need you." She cries as she slams the front to door and walks to her car and gets in and leaves.
As soon as she gets to school the first thing she does is go to her locker and grab her first period book she then goes to the closest bathroom and waits there till it's almost time for class to start. She doesn't want to run into the guys and answer a bunch of questions. Plus this was her way staying out of harms way.

As soon as Harry hears her car take off he knows he fucked up again. He jumps up and runs out to his bike with her words still ringing in his head. She's wrong though, she does need him, just as he needs her. When he gets to the school he parks his bike beside her car and runs into the building, the first person he sees is Ed.

"Where is she?" Harry asks him, grabbing his arm.

Ed looks up. "Oh hey, Harry. I didn't know you coming to school today."

"Ed where is Jamie?" Harry asks again.

"I don't know. Harry I haven't seen her, I thought she would have stayed home at least one more day." Ed tells him. "Louis have you seen Jamie?" Ed asks.

"Seen her? What the hell did you do this time Harry?" Louis yells at his friends.

"Me? What makes you think it's my fault?" Harry yells back.

"Because here lately it always is. Hell, Harry I've been your best friend since grade school. Every since that bullshit with Becky happened you've changed, for the worse, we all see it." Louis yells not seeing Jamie behind Harry. "You need to just let it go."

"I can't." Harry yells back. "I still fucking love her."

Jamie freezes at hearing that and gasps. The thing is Harry hears her and spins around and sees her standing there and knew he fucked up again. Jamie takes a step back. It literally feels like her heart is being ripped in half, it didn't even feel this bad as she watched her parents die. That's how she knew she is in to deep, so much deeper than Harry obviously is. He said it, he just thought he loves her, but still loves whoever this Becky person is. So that's it. It's over, she's done. With one last look Jamie turns and walks away. She held her head high, her eyes are dry, even though she felt like crying a river. She doesn't stop when she hears her name being called, she walks right out of the building, right to her car and leaves.

"You bastard." Louis grounds out. "You don't deserve her." He says as he too walks away.

Harry turns and looks at Ed. "Don't look at me mate. I hate you right now, she didn't deserve that. You need help." Ed snaps as he walks off leaving Harry there alone.

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