Chapter 6 - Please

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It is now dinner time. The boys helped me make chicken broccoli alfredo. My parents were coming late due to some work issues. The boys and me sat down and started eating the alfredo. Harry kept making the noodles drop off his fork from rasing the fork too high. He stopped once my parents walked through the door. Everyone kept laughing still. "Hey guys" my dad said walking over to sit down. My mom followed right behind my dad saying "thank you for making dinner." "No problem mamma and daddy." I told them while the boys eaved and smiled. Once my parents started eating, I felt like right now should be a good time to ask. "Mom, dad." "Yeah sweetie", my mom said " the boys and I were wondering if the boys could stay here for the time being, instead of staying at the hotel down the street." "We will even pay for groceies while we stay to help out." Liam added. My parents looked at eachother and nodded. "It's fine with me, as long as no funny business happens." My dad stated. I turned my face embarrassed. "I'm alright with it." My mom added. "Who's getting the beds though? We only have three including the one in the little room" my mom said hoping to help the tension that was buliding up due to my dad's smart ass comment. "We could work that out later tonight?" Harry suggested . "Yeah, that sounds great." My mom stated pleased.
Once dinner was over, the boys and I went into the game room and played the XBOX360, while my parents went to the store to grab a few things. "You damn motherfucker" Louis yelled. "Thats what you get dipshit" I yelled back at Louis. This is now louis fourth time dying in call of duty and so far me and niall is winning. (A/N- I've never played call of duty before so just pretend) Harry gave up awhile ago and fell asleep in the bean bag chair. Liam is still playing while Harry is asleep on his lap.
"Niall get my makeup bag, Louis get ice out of the mini fridge and Liam stay there, while I get the plastic wrap." I wispered to the boys.
When I got back into the room Louis had an ice tray in his hands and Niall had my makeup bag. "We have to do the plastic wrap only on one door and hope he doesn't go through the other door. Do you guys know what ive planned" I asked the boys. "Yes" They all replied. "Good, let's get started" "Niall and Louis started putting the makeup on Harry, Liam started recording it and I was putting the serran wrap acrros the door.
Once we all finished, we all grabbed a piece of ice and put it down his clothes and ran through the other door. Liam was still video taping it.
We peeked in and Harry woke up screaming "holy fuck" I motioned for the guys to stay while I went in. "Harry what happened" I question Harry while stopping myself from laughing. "You know what happened dipshit" Harry said angerly. "Why don't you go to the other room to get new clothes because your all set" I told him. He then started stompping towards the serran wrap door. I turned towards the other boys and Liam was still recording. I started walking towards Harry and said "What's up with all the yelling Harry" "Shut the fuck up, you know what happened" he replied angerly. "No I don't, what's wrong" I did my best to control the laughter that wanted to come out. "You fucktards fucking put ice down my clothes and and now they are fucking soaking wet" "Well, let's go get you cleaned up in the bathroom" "Alright" Harry said while walking towards the serran wrapped door. I followed slowly behind. I looked back at the other boys and Liam was still recording. I turned my head once I heard a big thud. Harry was on the ground. "You guys suck ass" he said. I started laughing and leaned down to make sure he was alright. We walked into the bathroom and he screamed "I'm going to fucking kill you guys" the rest of the boys were standing in the doorway laughing their asses off. "Sorry mate, it was Lous idea" Niall stated. I quickly glared at Niall and looked at Harry. "I love you Harry." "How the fuck do you take this shit off" he asked. I grabbed my makeup wipes and gave them to him.
We decied to watch a movie until my parents get home.

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