A Letter From an Avid Fan ♡

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At first, You guys started as a group of boys who had NO MORE DREAM, Same as me who happened to have a boring life back then, But when i listened to your music, i later said, "Hey! I LIKE IT!". I entered the fandom and surprised on how friendly they are, I must say that WE ARE BULLETPROOF from any bash and hate from anyone, BTS started to make a noise through the music scene and i thought that this is THE RISE OF BANGTAN, N.O chill when it comes on making us fan proud of their skills and choreography, I've been addicted, Every time i sip my COFFEE in the morning, i remember them. Then another comeback came, The boys who had no dreams became BOY IN LUV, i fell even more with them and want to be their MISS RIGHT even JUST ONE DAY. Facing TOMORROW is not a threat anymore cause i know that you're there even though you don't that a fan like me exist, I'm not afraid of any DANGER that i will encounter. Every comeback you'd i feel like i'm in a WAR OF HORMONES, Just please LET ME KNOW when will i have to prepare my feels okay? HAHAHA. RAIN is not a boring weather anymore, Your songs makes me wanna do BLANKET KICK just to dance to it, I can listen to your songs 24/7= HEAVEN ♡♡. Don't make me worried about you cause I NEED U the most, Don't worry if i listen to other group's songs, Your songs is the DOPE songs ever! HOLD ME TIGHT whenever i feel lonely, My LOVE IS NOT OVER for you guys, It's just that some days were not as happy as any other days. NEVER MIND the bash and hates from immature people, We're here, A bunch of BUTTERFLY to support and protect you. I learned to be as weird as af that sometimes i felt like i'm a WHALIEN 52 HAHAHA, Come often to MA CITY so i can see you.

Happy 1000th day BTS! I'll support you even all the leaves were DEAD LEAVES, I love you so much, You're my inspiration in everything that i do. Let's RUN till the end ♡♡

Sincerely yours
Pia Clarice Marinas (Proud A.R.M.Y from the Philippines)


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