Chapter Fourteen

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*Scar's POV*

I woke up in a bed by myself, seeing clothes scattered all over the room brought the memories of last night back. I never thought it would happen but it did.

I lost my virginity to Hayes.

I picked up my clothes a put them back on then snuck out of his room and downstairs. When I was about a foot away from the door I heard his voice.

"Scar? Can we talk?" He asked.

I sighed and turned around to face him.

"I don't think that'd be best right now." I said truthfully.

"I honestly don't understand, you were all about this last night and now you don't even wanna talk." He said throwing his hands up in frustration.

"I knew what I wanted then but now I don't, I'm confused and upset, I just need time to myself. I'm not ready for all of this yet, I just lost my baby and my boyfriend I really don't need your shit right now Hayes." I said frustrated.

"You can't just run from your problems Scarlett!" He yelled.

"Watch me." I challenged.

I walked out the door starting the four block journey to my house. My thoughts drowned me. I didn't regret last night at all but at the same time I feel as if I was just trying to fill the void left in my heart. All I know is shit just got way more complicated.

*Two weeks later*

I was mostly out of my funk, I had sobered up but I still go to parties and drink, though after Sarah, Autumn, and Aubree found out about the whole Hayes thing they never let me go to a party by myself again.

That whole problem hadn't been addressed since I left his house that morning, I occasionally saw him and felt his stare on me all the time but ignored it.

I dreadfully got up out of bed to start getting ready for school wanting to get this Friday over with a quickly as I could. Sarah and I were going to some senior's 18th birthday party tonight just to chill and have something to do but I was using it as a chance to let loose and have some fun.

Once I got done getting dress I did my simple makeup, brushed through my hair leaving it in its natural waves then slipped on my sandals heading downstairs. I fixed myself some breakfast then cleaned up after hearing Sarah honk her horn, I slipped my bag on my shoulder and walked out to her car.

Walking into school I got the same stares as usual, people still weren't used to someone having the ability to end the games like I did. I made my way down the hall seeing Matt leaning against the lockers talking to some friends, he waved and I smiled over at him. We had become civil since the games ended but rarely ever talked except in class. Though I had absolutely no idea if Hayes had spilled to him what happened between us I was thankful every class I got through without the topic being brought up.

I still wasn't used to all the attention especially from all the guys in the school, I'd usually just brush most of them off not wanting to deal with their bullshit. I'd gone on maybe one or two dates with guy I thought that were decent but decided against any further dating.

After four long class periods I walked by myself to lunch taking a seat at our normal table. I sat down on the bench next to Sarah and soon we were accompanied by Aubree and Autumn on the other side.

"I really wish y'all could come tonight." I said.

"Yeah well you can thank her for the brilliant idea to pull a few harmless pranks on our little brother, who ended up snitching, getting us grounded for eternity." Aubree said pointing to Autumn.

"It was not all my idea! You came up with some of the stuff to!" She argued back.

"But you were the one that came up with the general idea!" Aubree fired back.

They started bickering and eventually Sarah and I broke it up wanting to spend the rest of our free time in peace.

At the end of the day we all piled into Sarah's car and dropped off the twins then made our way to my house to grab my things then over to Sarah's before we started the long process to get ready.

This was going to be one hell of a night.

*I apologize for this chapter being so short and shitty but i haven't updated in over a month so i tried my best, next chapter will definitely be better with a few twists and turns along with some major drama. Vote, comment, fan, and share please! Stay Beautiful.*


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