Chapter Fifteen

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We showed up to the party when it was in full swing. The music could be heard from miles away, drunk people doing stupid shit on the front lawn, inside sweat bodies grinded up against each other, drinks were being spilled all over the floor, and frankly nobody looked like they gave a damn at the moment.

Sarah stayed in the living room as I headed to the kitchen to go get us drinks, to my surprise there was no one in there so I helped myself to what was out. I picked up the drinks and turned around to head back out but a body was block my path. I looked up and locked eyes with him, he was the last person I wanted to ever see again.

"Glad to see you're back to your old ways Scar." He evilly smirked.

"Just get the fuck away from me Zack." I sneered.

"Now where's the fun in that?" He laughed.

He knocked both drinks out of my hands cornering me into the counter. He grabbed my neck forcefully leaving me gasping for air.

"You think you could just get away from me that easily." He said through gritted teeth. "Karma really is a bitch ain't it?" He chuckled. "I told you that you'd regret what you did, you losing the baby was just a bonus."

By now I was seeing black dots everywhere, tears brimming at my eyes as I was about to pass out until I was released and fell to the floor. The last thing I saw was someone on top of zack throwing punches left and right, then I blacked out.

*The next morning*

I woke up in a room that wasn't mine, I immediately felt pain in my throat as I tried to breathe. Flashbacks of last night had popped into my head but I couldn't remember who jumped in and saved me.

I got up out of the bed, noticing I was in a pair of sweats and a baggy t-shirt. I made my way down the stairs and immediately recognized where I was. Walking into the kitchen I saw Matt at the stove cooking breakfast, shirtless may I add but that's beside the point. It took him a minute to notice my presence but once he finally did he stopped cooking and put his attention on me.

"How are you feeling?" He questioned.

"Alright besides my throat feeling like it was stepped on." I said hoarsely. "Thank you for jumping in and saving me." I said looking down at my feet.

"No problem. I wasn't just gonna stand there and do nothing." He said returning to his cooking.

He set plates down in front of us and we began eating, it was silent until he spoke up.

"Everything got crazy after you blacked out. Everyone heard all the commotion and crowded into the kitchen and eventually pulled me away from him, I was gonna try and attack him again but I remembered you had knocked out and I wanted to make sure you'd be okay."

"I'm guessing that's why I'm at your house?"

"Yeah, not the best idea to bring you back to your house so I texted Sarah to text your mom off your phone saying you were spending the night at her house." He said. "Oh and by the way, here's your phone." He handed it to me after digging through his pocket and handing me my phone.

I had gone on my social media and my feed was full of videos of the fight.

"Damn you really beat the shit out of him." I laughed looking up at him.

"The bastard deserved it." He shrugged his shoulders.

It was silent until Matt's phone started going off like crazy.

"Who the hell is that?" I asked.

He sighed before speaking.

"It's Hayes. He's been texting me nonstop wanting to know if you were okay." He said looking down at his phone. "He wanted to take you to his house but I knew that wouldn't have turned out well so I brought you here." He paused before speaking again. "You know he really cares about you Scar, he's never been this way about or towards anyone before. It's actually refreshing to see after all these years."

"Can we not talk about this right now?" I sighed.

"It's gonna come up sooner or later, he's not gonna stop trying. He never gives up when fighting for something he wants."

"I just don't want to deal with that right now. I have bigger things to worry about." I said running my fingers through my hair.


I returned home a few hours later thinking I would be able to just go inside and rest but when I walked up to my house there he stood leaning against his car. I hesitantly walked up knowing he'd try and talked to me.

"Scar wait up!" He shouted.

I stopped in my tracks turning around to face him.

"What do you want Hayes?" I sneered.

"I wanted to talk to you... about everything." He said.

I could see the hopefulness in his eyes, boy was that about to get crushed.

"Well I don't want to talk about anything right now. I need space from everyone, especially you." I sneered.

"You only need space from me because you're afraid to get close, and I get that but you can't keep pushing me away." He reasoned.

"No you're wrong, I want my space from you because you've caused nothing but trouble since the moment you laid eyes on me. You contributed to getting me into a game I never wanted to be in, you saw me as an object and treated me like shit, and not only that but you treated me like I was property. You mean nothing to me and I don't want anything to do with you, when will you get that through your fucked up head. Just do me a favor and leave me alone, you're nothing but trouble and that's the last thing I need in my life right now." I countered.

After I finished I turned around and walked inside slamming the door in his face.

I need to get out of here.

*A/N: OH MY GOD WE HIT 4K!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! It's hard to believe I've been writing this story for over a year and a half, really and truly i wish i could've been more motivated to post chapters more often in the beginning because 15 chapters isn't really a whole lot and i apologize for that. Though if i would've written more in the beginning the chapters would've been shit, I've grown a lot as a writer in the past year so its better doing more chapters now. Also i would've been forcing myself to write which would've contributed to the shitty chapters, i write when i get and idea or im inspired/in the mood too. Again thank y'all so much, i really appreciate it and also thank you to the people who have been here from the start and stuck with me through my shitty writing . I love you guys!*


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