Chapter 3:The weirdo group

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We both stepped inside the elevator as he pressed the button for the top floor.We went out and saw 4 other guys propped up on the couches.

"Heyyyy~Sor just came in with a woman~~~"the guy with a fedora winks as he walks towards us.I take out my gun and point it at him without saying a word."H-hey!She's carrying a gun!Sor what kinda woman is this?!"The man slowly backs up,his hands in the air.

"She's my new Ice-Dragon recruit.Since Inui and Samejima were out on another mission today,I thought I'd bring her"


My eyes suddenly became much colder than ever before with a hint of blood lust in them.Oh how I would love to rip his head off his body.....

"U-um Sor!The lady's kinda creepy"another man with dirty-blonde hair points at me,a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Tch,she's just a woman in the end.What's the worse you can do huh?"a man with brown hair stands in front of me as he glares down at me.

"Eisuke,I wouldn't do that if I were-"But it was too late as I flipped him over my back and threw him across the room."--you"Soryu manages to whisper as he sighed and went to help his friend.The other guys are sitting on the couch,not daring to move after witnessing that.Eisuke glared at me as Soryu helped him stand up.

"You've got guts,I'll give you that"Eisuke hissed as he sat down.

"Anyway,what did you need me for?"Soryu looks to Eisuke who was still staring at me.

"The Jiruka lions are causing trouble again in the hotel"Jiruka lions?Never heard of em.Then,my phone started ringing amidst their conversation.I walk out of the room without a word as I closed the doors behind me.I checked to see if anyone was around before answering.

"What is it?"

"Another mission.Since you're in the area.There's rumours of a new group,getting quite popular with all the kills recently."

"Jiruka lions?"The line went silent for awhile before I heard him talk again.

"Count on you to know everything.You know what to do"he hung up.

I walked back inside as all the guys looked at me curiously."What?"

"Ooohh looks like Carolyn's got a boyfriend!"The dirty-blonde hair man grinned mischieviously as the man with the fedora looked deflated.

"Mannn I was hoping she was single too...though what you'd expect?"

"I don't have a boyfriend"They stared at one another in confusion.

"Then who was that you were talking to on your phone outside?"Eisuke voices suspiciously thinking I might react but I didn't even blink.

"Friend,got a problem?"he looks at me again with that suspicious stare but I look away."So,what were you talking about Jiruka lions?"I asked casually hoping they won't notice.

"They're a new mob group that's getting quite popular.They're causing trouble for the hotel so we're gonna go settle that."Soryu sets out as I follow behind him.We walk down along the basement till we heard someone talking through a door which was slightly cracked open.

"Boss look at all these guns!"

"Yeah...take em all boys"I peek inside the room and estimate that there's at least 10 of them inside.

"Let's go crash their party"Soryu nods as he kicks the doors open.The lions turn to look at us in shock as we both aim our guns.We quickly fire just as they opened fire.I dodged the incoming bullets as I kept on firing,knocking them out,one by one.I pulled out my knife and stabbed the men who got too close.It was a bloodbath when we were done.Only the boss left..

"Carolyn,that's enough.Let's go"He grabbed hold of the boss.I lifted my gun and shot the man dead before Soryu could do anything."CAROLYN!WHAT THE HELL?!!!!"Soryu shouted as I approached him.I don't care.I only care about completing my mission.I looked down at the dead boss.Hmmm....not enough blood.I took out my gun and fired another shot at his abdomen."CAROLYN STOP!!!"I feel Soryu's eyes wrap around me as he restrained me.I don't have time for this.

I rested my gun against his stomach."Off,now."I muttered coldly as Soryu slowly backed away.I took out my cleaver.This might get a little messy.I started hacking my way through his head as blood splatted onto my face which I merely wiped away with my clothes.When I was done,I bagged the head and turned to face Soryu.He was looking at me with absolute horror as he looked at the bag which had blood dripping from it."What?"I murmured as I walked past him.

He quickly caught up to me and slammed me against the wall with brute force."Who the hell are you?"Soryu growls.I stay silent."You do know we could have used that man for information right?Why the heck did you...."

"A kill is not considered a kill if there is no blood"He widens his eyes at this as I push him off me."There,that's why.Happy?"I say sharply and turn to leave again when he grabbed my arm again.I sighed as I looked at him."Let go,now"But he just stares at me with those grey hues,his gaze unwavering."What?"I say,getting irritated now.

"Why did you cut of his head?"he asks as I smile at him.

"Because that's my rule and because I like to."He lets go of me,most probably petrified.I smirk as we both walk to my lamborghini.

Soryu P.O.V.

What is up with her?I stare at her back as she walks.I've never met a woman like her before.I mean honestly,how many woman do you meet who cuts off people's heads just cuz they enjoy it?And what she said...."A kill is not considered a kill if there is no blood"I feel like I've heard it before.She's interesting ,I'll give her that.Wait...why am I thinking bout her?Stop it Oh.But then somehow I can't.Because when I looked into her grey hues just now.It's like she's hiding all the pain,bearing it alone.I can understand if you think of her as a maniac but truthfully....she just looks like a girl who's bearing all the burdens of the world.....all alone.She also....reminds me a bit of......myself.....

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