Chapter 14:Elimination

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I avoided Soryu the whole day as I shut myself inside my house.I saw his car outside my house a few times but chose to ignore it.My heart aches as I hear all the messages he sent me.

"Carolyn?Please pick up"

"Carolyn I'm begging you please...."

"Carolyn I'm sorry"


Silent tears fell as I hear all the voice messages he sent me.I'm so sorry Soryu....I really am.I don't wanna kill you and I.....I don't think I can.I cover my face with my hands as I sobbed uncontrollably.What am I going to do??

An idea suddenly popped into my head, but it's crazy,stupid and most probably get me and Soryu killed if we fail.But the again,it's the only thing we've got so what've we got to lose?I sigh as I start to formulate my plan.I quickly got on the phone to Eisuke.Before I pressed call,a thought came in mind.

If I do this,Soryu will know that I'm in the Hell Dragons.I will be an enemy...will he still love me then?I shake off that thought.It doesn't matter now.I just want to protect him.The phone rings awhile before I hear his cold tone.

"What do you want?"I can tell he's annoyed.

"Yeah,sorry to disturb you but your best friend's life is on the line.So I would advice you to work with me and hear me out before jumping to conclusions."

"What do you need?"

"Tell Soryu to wear a bulletproof vest though I know he knows that already and tell him to put some fake packets of blood or red paint,anything that's convincing under it.And make sure it opens when shot.Also,bring along a mannequin head and paint it to look like him.Tell him to hide it first."I hear the phone shut as the line went dead.I really hope he believes me.Otherwise,Soryu will be dead in less than 24 hours.

Nighttime fell and I was waiting in Venus Park along with boss."Hahaha,I can't wait to see the look on his face when we cut of his head"Boss laughs grimly as I stay silent.I was holding my gun as we waited by the fountain."Go and hide behind those trees.You'll know what to do when the time comes"I nod and disappear into the shadow of the trees.

My cell phone beeped from an incoming message.'He's here'I pocket it as I look out carefully.Soryu was there,alone when with boss.Where's Samejima and Inui.Considering the situation,they should be here.I stealthily creep around the area till I heard whispering from a nearby bush.

"Stop poking me!"

"Be quiet Inui!"

I sigh as I take out my spray.Those two are not meant for stealthy operations,that's for sure.I spray it into the bush.

"Hey Samejima,did you fart?"

"What kind of question is that?!Of course I........"I didn't hear anything after that and I peek into the bush.They were both knocked out.I quickly sprint back to my hiding spot as I switch on my Bluetooth earpiece.

"Well then Soryu Oh.I'm guessing you're here to graciously hand over the Ice-Dragons to me before your death?"I hear boss's smug tone.

"Never."I hear Soryu's strong voice.

"Well then,I guess I won't hold back any longer.And also,make this a lesson to never trust anyone again"that's my cue.I take a deep breath as I step out from the tree and stand beside boss.Soryu's eyes widened and the shock on his face was indescribable.

"Soryu,meet Carolyn.My daughter and 2nd in command of the Hell Dragons.Her mission,exterminate Soryu Oh"boss nods as me as I pull the trigger.The bullet pierces his stomach as blood spill out.I hope with all my heart that that's not his blood.He collapses as boss laughs evilly."Cut off his head and send it to me.I've got another important meeting to attend to"I nod as boss makes his departure.

Once I make sure he's really gone.I immediately run to Soryu's side as I check his pulse.Oh thank Thor!It worked!!!Soryu slowly opens his eyes as he looks at me.His eyes full of hurt and sadness.

"Was it true?"Soryu asks as he sits up and I hang my head.

"Yes"I whisper,not wanting to see the look on his face.

"Then why did you bother to spare me?"Soryu tilts up my chin as he looks into my eyes.


Before I could say anything else,his lips are on mine.Kissing me with such passion that I nearly fall back but his hands support me.When I pulled back,his eyes no longer held hurt nor sadness,but love.

"I always thought something was a bit off about the things you said.So I pieced it together and sorta guessed it.Yet I never knew you were the daughter of Nazuka or the 2nd in command.That came as a shocker"Soryu chuckled.

"So what now?"He tilts his head,most probably confused.

"I betrayed you.I....I hurt you!How could you love a lowlife like me?"I cried out as I pulled away but he pulled me back into an embrace.

"I already knew that even before our well,date.But that doesn't stop me from loving you.Because well,I fell in love with you for who you are.I don't care what sort of mob group you're in or whatever dark secrets you have!I love you!!!!"

Soryu kisses me again,more passionate than before.I slowly wrap my hands around his neck as I reciprocate the you too.....


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