Chapter Two

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[Lily's POV]



My eyes fluttered open as I heard a loud screech. Worried mutters filled the room as the train came to a stop. I sat up, rubbing my eyes to get rid of the blurriness. Dread filled me as I looked at the open train door, the sudden light making everyone look away.

"You will get off by the order we call you." A loud voice voice boomed. I snapped my head towards the direction, narrowing my eyes with hate. It was that same vampire that had fed off of Serine against the rules-Stefan. I bit my tongue as he glared at me with equal hate. Licking his lips he seemed to mock me before looking down at the clipboard he held, calling out the first name.

"Alexandra Hicks." Stefan shouted as if we couldn't hear him. I watched as a girl, who looked small for the age 18 went towards him shivering violently. Her soft gasps were filling the silent room as Stefan bent her head to the side to check her neck. My hands were in fists as his lips curled up into a wicked smile. Slowly he began to nibble on her neck though careful not to sink his teeth into her. I was pleased when Sir Gerald came up to him, anger in his eyes.

"That's enough Stefan, we need each and everyone of these girls in top shape. Knight Scott has informed me that the Lords are coming tonight." Sir Gerald's eyes twinkled at the mention of the Lords, his gaze distant now as if he were daydreaming.

Gasps filled the room as each girls mouth dropped. I admit, mine dropped too. Never once had the Lords ever attended an auction. They didn't need to. They had everything they could possible ask for after all. They even lived with the King in his castle.

Stefan's eyes widened before he nodded quickly calling the next name. I felt Perrie's nails digging into my arm. She looked at me before whispering in my ear.

"I can see him- I can thank him." She muttered. Lord Zayn, her vampire prince who had come to save the day...Now Perrie's eyes were bright and she seemed to look forward to the auction. Great, she was brainwashed with the idea of the Lords.

"Lily Ferona." I glanced up, oblivious that almost all of the room was now empty. Cautiously I went over I went over to Stefan who forced a fake smile. My hands went into fists as he grabbed my hair roughly, bending my neck to the side to expose it. My eyes widened as I felt lips on my skin.

Anger made my head hurt as I yanked myself away from a surprised Stefan. Without thinking of my actions, my hand went flying across his face, a loud smack filling the air. Instantly I regretted it as I saw the anger over take shock in Stefans eyes. I awaited my punishment as I closed my eyes, my body stiff. After seconds of waiting it never came.

I opened one eye after another to see that a hand had stopped Stefan's fist from reaching my face. From my point of view I could see the man that had saved me was tall with chocolate brown curls which blocked most of my view. I watched curiously and gratefully as the figure turned to face me.

Electric green eyes met mine as I widened my eyes in surprise. This boy was beautiful. His eyes were the color of emerald and his lips a light shade of pink. He had a lazy expression on his face, his lips forming a sloppy grin before he turned back to a frozen Stefan.

"Now that's no way to treat a young lady." His voice was deep and husky as he raised an eyebrow at Stefan. "She'll have to actually be alive for the auction now."

"Lord Harry Edward Styles." Stefan breathed, his arms going slack as Harry released his hand. Stefan's green eyes were wide with sudden joy, a complete change of attitude from a few seconds ago. 

I let out an unattractive snort at him. One minute he was about to kill me and the next he was jumping up and down, fangirling. Strange world these days.

"Lord Harry Edward Styles." Stefan breathed again. It took me a minute to process yet when it got through my head I felt my eyes widen too as I stared at the boy. Lord. This lord had saved me from punishment, yet why?

'If a Lord as high ranking as him can show compassion then I believe anyone can.'

Perrie's words from earlier went through my head. Was this the compassion she had been talking about?

"Yes, that would be me." Harry said sarcastically as he stared at Stefan, his expression bored. Stefan let out another gasp before he bowed down before him, getting right on his knees. It was quite amusing to watch as he began to grovel on the ground, his voice shaking.

"It is a pleasure to meet you my Lord! I have always wanted to become a Knight so perhaps someday you'll be teaching me-"

"Alright Alright. I just stopped by to check that the preparations for the auctions were done properly. Apparently not." He sighed, snatching the clipboard out of his hands. "Like they say, if you want something done properly, do it yourself."

"Lord Harry Edward Styles!" I turned my head to see Sir Gerald who's eyes were nearly bulging out of his eye sockets. He flashed next to us, bowing down a bit less dramatically then  Stefan. "Let me get that for you, I insist!"

Lord Harry raised an eyebrow at the excited vampire before handing the clipboard to him. Sir Gerald glared at Stefan who lowered his head in shame.

"I apologize for Stefan. He is a very poor mannered vampire. I'll take care of the rest of the girls." Sir Gerald was practically hopping up and down in excitement. His chest was puffed out in pride.

"Mhm," Harry seemed to ignore the over excited vampire," I suppose I have things to do." He looked at me giving me a cocky smile. He leaned down to look at the clipboard, his green eyes flickering across the paper for less than a second before he looked up. "Perhaps we'll meet again at the auction Lily."

Fallen [Harry Styles] {vampire} {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now