Chapter Fourteen

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[Lily's POV]

"Am I interrupting?" A voice made both Louis and I break eye contact. We instantly sprang apart from each other, eyes on the door. Harry stood by the doorway, his green eyes taking in the sight in front of him. "Louis?"

"Hey mate." Louis said smoothly as if nothing had happened. His blue eyes were calm and calculating as he met his best mates eyes with a steady gaze. He dropped the pen he had been playing with, letting it hit the cool marble floor.

"What's going on?" Harry instantly blurted out, his eyes narrowing. He wasn't stupid, he knew something was up. Louis and I shared a look before we both stared at the ground.

"I was just telling Lily that she'll be hanging out with the other blood servants sometime this week." My eyes widened slightly at his words. Though April and Jenna seemed nice enough and I knew Perrie, Hannah had been cold and unwelcoming. Something told me that she wouldn't be pleased when she heard.

"I see." Harry seemed to visably relax. No Harry! I thought in my head. He was letting his guard down. After all, why would one of his best mates lie to him directly? In my mind I begged him to keep on questioning him, but Harry had already dropped the topic, holding the door open for the two of us.

Slowly I stood up, my steps slightly wobbly as I made my way over to  him, Louis right behind me. I snuck a glance behind me as we began walking down the hallways of the hospital. Louis eyes were stern and threatening as he nodded to me. I walked at least a foot away from Harry, creating a bit of distance between us.

Harry seemed to notice this as his green eyes searched my expression. He sent a silent message with his look.

We'll talk later.

I nodded to him slightly, hoping that Louis wouldn't really notice out little silent exchange. We continued walking, no one saying a word. When we reached the front exit of the building, there was a fancy sports car waiting for us. Wordlessly I slipped inside, sitting next to Harry but away from Louis. Louis eyes seemed to burn a hole in my soul accusingly but I tried to ignore the feeling of being watched.

I was not only being watched by him, but I was being watched by Harry. Though he was not directly looking at me, I could feel his gaze. Something about the way my body tingled told me he was in fact watching.

The uncomfortable car ride seemed long. When we finally did get out, Louis grasped my hand, pulling me away from Harry. It was dark outside, the lights of the castle were the only things making everything see able.

"I'll take her to her room. She's very tired." Louis looked at me, his grip tightening on my wrist. I reluctantly nodded, smiling at Harry with the best fake one I could muster.

"Yeah." I agreed before letting Louis drag me inside. I looked back at Harry who stood motionlessly at the front gates. Even from here I could see his glowing eyes narrow before he nodded to me. I nodded back, exchanging another silent conversation.


I bit my lip as Louis took me up the stairs, nodding to vampires who were carrying things and once in a while he would say a proper greeting. Once again we were entering the familiar halls of the part where all the blood servants slept in. I noticed that they had now labeled each door with golden bold letters and a room number.

When we got to my door, I noticed that under the golden letters that spelled out LILY there were words under it, written in silver letters.

Warrior Princess.

For the first time since Louis had threatened me, I smiled. I imagined Harry nailing my nickname into the door, his cocky smirk on when he finished it. When had he found time to do that? Louis seemed to notice me staring at my door and he opened it quickly, pushing me in.

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