Chapter Twenty Two

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[Lily's POV]

"Give me the test tube!" Liam screeched, his eyes wide as he grabbed onto his precious test tube. Harry growled, trying to pull the tube out of Liam's grasp. I'm surprised that it wasn't broken yet.

After Liam had told us about the symptoms of when someone drank the project, all the others were furious. By furious I mean furious. Objects were thrown, curses were yelled Liam had taken that time to flee before anyone decided to pin him against the wall. When we had finally noticed his absence we knew exactly where to look.

The lab.

When we had arrived, Liam had been stashing away his test tubes and other side projects. He claimed that 'if he didn't hid them, we could take them away.' He was right.

"You almost got us killed Liam!" Harry snapped, shouldering Liam so he loosened his grip. Liam shook his head desperately.

"I knew what I was doing! We're lords! We can't be killed!" Liam reasoned. He looked over at me, giving me the puppy dog face. "Lily get your boyfriend off my test tube before he goes all hulk on me!"

"Liam..."I said, narrowing my eyes. He truly a mad scientist, wasn't he? He would do anything in the name of science. He had a crazy light in his eyes now as he looked at Harry's hand, the test tub wrapped inside his hand. Quick as a bullet, he pushed Harry over onto the ground and the two went rolling onto the floor.

Liam's fist aimed at Harry's face. I looked away, closing my eyes. I didn't want to see Harry get hurt, let alone from his best mate. When the crack of bone wasn't heard I looked back to see that Harry had raised his free hand just in time to block it.

"That's enough!" Zayn yelled, dragging Liam off. Liam hissed, clawing the air like a wild animal. His eyes went red as his fangs came out. I ran over to Harry who was brushing himself off, a smug look on his face as he held up the half filled tube mockingly.

"Aww does little LiLi miss his test tube?" Harry shook the test tube, the blue liquid inside sloshing back and forth. Liam growled, baring his fangs as his eyes followed the movements of the veil.

"MINE!" Liam ripped himself out of Zayns grip, barging past a protesting Louis and flung himself at Harry who smiled to himself before dodging his poorly aimed attack. Liam crashed into the wall, his  usually sensible eyes now crazy as he looked around the room. Harry had disappeared from sight.

Just as Liam let his guard down, Harry dropped down from the ceiling, his hands quickly grabbing Liam's neck before giving it a quick twist. Liam opened his mouth but nothing came out as he fell limp, temporarily dead.

"Harry!" I shouted, horrified. That was his best mate that he had attacked! "Was that necessary?"

"It was the only way to get rid of 'mad' Liam." Niall interrupted, going over to pat Harry on the back before picking Liam up by the shoulders.

"'Mad' Liam?!"

"He has these sudden fits when he's angry or thinking too hard. He doesn't remember much afterwards really. He just turns into a whole other lad." Louis was the one who surprisingly answered my question, not looking my way. He went over to Niall, helping him drag Liam into the corner.

"Oh." That was all I could say as I saw Liam start to stir before his eyes fluttered open. He looked around the room, confusion on his face.

"How the hell did I get here?" he asked bewildered. Harry shot me a look that said 'Told you so.' before helping a confused Liam up. Liam looked around the lab some more. "-and why is everything packed?"

"Mate, what is this?" Harry held up the test tube that they had been fighting over earlier. The blue liquid sloshed around and shone slightly. Why had 'Mad' Liam been so desperate to get it? Liam blinked quickly before looking closer at the tube. He bit his lip, looking up at Harry.

"That isn't mine."

"What?" Harry's eyes widened, as did the others. They looked at one another, un sure. I looked at Liam to see that he looked pretty genuine about it.

"I said that that's not mine." Liam scratched his head. " Or at least I didn't make it. The witch gave it to me after performing her spell."

"What does it do?" Louis asked to himself curiously, snatching the tube out of Harry's hands and looking at it closer. Harry let out an annoyed grumble, leaning against the wall indifferently. I shoved my hands in my pockets, leaning on the wall next to Harry.

Harry gave me a quick smile, his dimples showing as I joined him. He scooted closer before looking back at Louis and Liam.

"She just left it here for no reason?" Louis asked as he shook it. Again, the blue shone slightly before dying down.

"I guess," Liam shrugged, his eyes curious. "I ran some tests earlier and I know that it was created by some form of magic."

"I'll try it!" Niall went to grab the test tube. He snatched it out of Louis's hands, popping the lid open and bringing it to his lips. Before Niall could even tip the veil back, Zayn quickly grabbed it. Niall pouted, shooting Zayn an annoyed look.

"We can't just go and drink it Niall!" Zayn said sternly, placing the veil on the table.

"We'll talk about this." Louis nodded towards the door. They all seemed to be communicating silently as they nodded and all headed for the door. I went to follow till Harry gently held his arm in front of me.

"This is strictly Lords business. I'm sorry Lily." He said apologetically. I crossed my arms, narrowing my eyes as he gave me the cupcake face before turning. "We'll only be a few minutes."

The door shut behind them. I bit my lip, frustrated. Didn't I have the right to know? I wanted to help. I didn't have Liams brains. I didn't have Harry's strength. I didn't have Louis's abilities. I couldn't heal people like Niall. I couldn't tell the future like Zayn.

"Just a few minutes huh?" I said to myself, looking around the empty lab. I made my way over to the table where the tube laid on. I picked it up, my fingers touching the glass. I popped the lid off, sniffing at the strange substance. It had a fruity smell to it that made me wonder what exactly this was.

Don't be stupid Lily, you don't know what could happen! My head warned me but I shook away those thoughts. There was one way I could help them solve this mystery.

I brought the veil to my lips, letting the blue liquid pour into my mouth....and I swallowed.

Instantly the world spun around me, my breaths coming in gasps. I looked around the spinning room, my hands clinging onto the table before I dropped to my knees. Breathing became too hard. Too. Hard. I felt myself slipping away but not before I heard that voice that I had come to love so much.


I'm sorry Harry...

So..What do you think happened to Lily? Is she dead now? Whats the blue liquid?


I will update when I get 120 comments. DON'T CHEAT:P I won't count it if you post more than one comment!:)


Hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for more!:)

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