Chapter Twelve

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[Lily's POV]

I turned, hearing that familiar voice I had heard earlier while training was in action. To my amazement, I was right.

It was Ethan.

He had somehow dragged himself to his feet and made it out. He was still wheezing heavily but being a vampire, it had only taken him a few minutes to come straight back to life.

Now, his shoulders were droopy and his blue eyes dull as he hobbled closer to us. His black hair was covered in dust along with his face. He seemed to be alone, no one helping him out what so ever.

Marcel instantly tensed as he drifted closer before he cleared his throat.

"Actually yes-"

"Shut it you little smart a**" Ethan snapped, leaning against the gates. He winced in pain as his dislocated shoulder popped back into place.

Anger bubbled up inside of me. How dare he talk to Marcel like thy. My temper flew over the roof as I got ready to wack him in the head hard.

Marcel held me back firmly, his hands right on my wrists. He shook his head at me and than at Ethan who had that stupid smirk on his face.

"You don't get to talk to him like that!" I snapped at Ethan who raised an eyebrow. He then laughed, coughing inbetween his booming laughter.

"You don't get to talk to me like that!" He sneered, his face twisted in an un attractive fashion. I'm sure he was handsome under the blood and bruises that were on his face but that was the last thing on my mind.

Right now he looked like he'd been dragged to hell and back. I noticed that from his laughing, one of his ribs jutted out a bit strangely. Though the area was healing, it would take time.

"Alright, stop Knight Ethan, that's enough-" Marcel tried to take the tension away from the two of us, smiling awkwardly.

"You don't boss me around. I'm a Knight Mark-"

"Marcel." He corrected, tipping his glasses slightly. Again he adjusted his lab coat.

"-your just a scientist. I bet Lord Liam wouldn't even need you though, your pretty useless."

Marcel seemed to deflate in front of my eyes. His shoulders slumped and he looked at the ground. He blinked a few times, his hands now curled tightly around the edges of his coat.

That. Was. It.

I lunged at him, Marcel not holding me back this time. I was practically seeing red as I jumped onto his back. I didn't care if he was some crappy knight or a vampire.

Under a normal situation, Ethan would have probably killed me by now or at least easily flung me off.

I was in luck.

From his fight with Harry, he was battered and weak. He didn't even have time to dodge as I came flying t him. I jumped right on his back, kicking and pulling his hair. I slammed my fists down into his head, my legs wrapped around his neck. Together we fell.

I cried out in pain as he landed on top of me. He was pretty heavy as he squished me under him. I resumed kicking, trying to get him off.

Ethan wasn't looking too good either. His shoulder had dislocated again from me jumping onto his shoulders aggressively. I heard the sound of bone breaking as he rolled over and off of me.

Marcel quickly rushed over to restrain Ethan who looked like he was going to kill me. To my surprise and horror Ethan easily tossed Marcel away like a rag doll. Marcel went soaring through the air, landing near the nearby river which flowed quickly.

From here I could see him groan, trying to get up but failing. Suddenly a figure knocked me down, making me gasp.

Ethan loomed over me, an evil smile on his face.

"The things I could do to you." He smirked, running his finger down my face. I glared at him, realizing that he had gotten what he had deserved when Harry had temporarily killed him.

Ethan then shifted his shoulder which popped into place once more. He sighed in relief as he flexed it before turning back to me.

His hand pressed firmly onto my neck. I suddenly felt fear overwhelm me as his blue eyes turned red. My worst nightmare was coming true. I was going to be fed on.

Ethan chuckled at my sudden fear before showing off his fangs. He licked his lips before leaning down closer to my face. Suddenly he lunged.

"Did I not say that no one is to touch her!"

Ethan's weight was flung off of me just in time. I had felt his fangs scrape against my neck ever so slightly. That was close, too close.

I sat up just as Harry angrily shoved Ethan against a tree. I noticed that the tree infront of the one Ethan was pinned to had fallen down. That showed just how much force and speed Harry had used to knock Ethan off of me.

The tree started to tip back slightly. Harry growled- an animal like growl- at Ethan his emerald green eyes lighting with fire.

Ethan looked over to me, tilting his head slightly.

"I hope Harry kills you when he feeds on you."

Ethan's eyes went wide before they glazed over. For the second time today, he fell limp, his wheezing stopping completely.

I watched in awe as Harry let out an angry shout before hurling Ethan's body to the river.

Ethan's body flew right past Marcel who laid down, holding his head which he had hit when he landed.

Ethan landed with a splash. His body resurfaced before sinking again, getting dragged away by the fast current.

I saw his head bob up before going back under a few times before he disappeared out of sight completely.

"I leave you for ten minutes and you manage to get yourself in trouble." Harry said his voice trembling with anger.

"I was just-"

"-And what did he mean when he said that he hopes I'd kill you?!" Harry demanded as he marched over to me. I tried to turn away but he grabbed my wrists roughly, his lips pressed together firmly.

I wasn't about to rat Marcel out. I kept my mouth shut, staring into his eyes. My one mistake was taking a quick glance towards Marcel, hoping he wouldn't see.

Considering he was an all powerful vampire lord, of course he saw.

His eyes instantly went to Marcel. He dropped my wrist and before I could blink he was holding Marcel by his neck.

"What did you tell her?!"

I ran over, my heart racing. Would Harry harm Marcel?

"Stop, your choking him!"

Harry didnt listen, instead he held Marcel up higher. Marcel squirmed, opening his mouth and closing it.

I needed to distract him.

Without thinking much, I wrapped my arms around Harrys waist. Surprise filled me as I realized how right this felt to me.

I liked it. I closed my eyes , my arms tight around his waist.

The sound of a body hitting the floor indicated that Harry had let go of Marcel.

I opened my eyes again to see that Harry was frozen in place like a statue. I peered over at his face which betrayed no emotion.

"Thank you."

Slowly, I leaned up to kiss his cheek .

So...LIRRY. I know she's only kissing him on the CHEEK but its a start right? What do you guys think of Ethan?? Will he be a threat to Lirry?? Will this be the last of him?

Untill the next chapter, GOODBYE<3

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