Chapter Twenty Six

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[Lily's POV]

Echos. Voices. My head was spinning. I could hear the sound of soft footsteps on the floor and the sound of rain hitting a roof. Slowly I opened my eyes, my head aching. I swear I had a bruise there now.

Where was I?

I blinked, looking around the room. It was dark, almost scary. It seemed like this was a basement, the lights dim and the room stuffy. I shivered from the cool air coming from the door. It was freezing now and I could hear the sound of thunder outside.

I tried to move, only to find out that I was strapped to a chair. The ropes rubbing on my skin made me wince before I stopped moving. There was no point in struggling. The ropes were too tight, my legs and hands tied.

I noticed that my necklaces were gone but I didn't have to look far. In my careless search of the room, I hadn't seen the figure sitting in a wooden chair in the corner. I squinted, not seeing anything besides the outline and the faint glow of my necklace, meaning that Harry's was surely with it.

"Who are you?" I croaked, my voice dry and raspy. It felt like I hadn't spoken for months. How long had I been knocked out? A few hours? A day? When there was no reply, I tried again.

"What do you want?"

This time the shadow shifted in the corner to stand up. The glowing necklace was set on the chair and the figure came closer, just out of sight. They lingered in the darkness silently, making me shiver.

"Why don't you show yourself? You've already kidnapped me." I snapped. Even in a situation like this my temper flared up though I think I was just trying to distract myself from the slight fear that was starting to set it.

I had to blink a few times when the figure finally stepped out of the shadows. No, it couldn't be. Why would he, out of all people, kidnap me?

"Marcel?" I breathed, half relieved that my friend was okay and half confused as to why he had taken me.

"Hello Lily." I did a double take at his tone. It was no longer warm, but deeper, colder. It was blank from emotion, no sign of warmness or kindness. He was a mess, his usually gelled hair sticking up and his glasses crooked on his nose. He was wearing a stained lab coat. I winced as I realized that it was covered in blood.

"Why am I here? What do you want? What happened during the battle?" I asked, too many questions lingering in my head. He was alive, but where were Jenna and Perrie?

"I was in charge of getting you here. He'll take care of the rest." He said blankly.

"Who's he?" I asked though I wasn't sure if I wanted to know, or I would get the answer.

"He's-" Marcel paused as the door creaked open. The lights suddenly brightened, nearly blinding me. "-Here."

I turned my head, my eyes widening as I realized who had joined us. His black hair was gelled and his piercing blue eyes were glowing with hunger and satisfaction. He truly looked insane at the moment.

"Ah, Lily. I've been waiting, it's nice to see you again." He purred, his lips curled up in a wicked smile that made me want to scream.

"I can't say the same thing, Ethan." I spat, staring at the former knight in awe. He looked better than ever. His pale skin had more color to it now and I hated to admit it but he looked quite healthy. He looked strong.

"That's no way to talk to a friend now is it?" I felt disgusted when he said 'friend'. In no way, shape or form was I his friend.

"Bastard." I muttered, knowing he would hear. Instead of attacking me, he laughed in amusement which surprised me. He had more self restraint then before.

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