Missed Chance

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Scarlet Liksis

I woke up sore around the afternoon but pushed myself to get up and face a new day. So unwillingly, I dragged myself to take a shower and get ready for work. I put on a black v-neck long sleeve, ripped blue jeans and black knee-length boots. Pulling on my jacket as carefully as possible, I grabbed my keys and locked everything up.

Like always, I exited the elevator, bid Jenkins a good day and left the apartment building and walked off to work.

Approaching the familiar diner, I slowed down to a halt. I eyed the slim black cars and moved my gaze to the windows to see a bunch of customers. My phone suddenly went off, breaking my gaze from the busy diner. I moved aside from the entrance to the diner and stood in front of one of the big windows.

I picked it up and answered it confused. "Jeremy?"

"Don't come to work today," he said in a hushed voice. "I overheard that Samantha got into it with your mother."

I went silent as a dark cloud hovered over my head. Jeremy shakily sighed, "Get some rest, sweetheart. Heal first, work later. Me and Nancy will stop by to check up on you."

"Jeremy, I don't want to be cooped up," I truthfully said. "I need to get my mind off of it."

I moved my gaze to the window once again and in the clearing of what I see, it was the same man from yesterday and men in suits surrounding him. From what I could see, he looked irritated as he talked to someone next to him.

"Just give me something else to do, Jeremy," I said as I looked away. I took a deep breath, "Anything."

"Go to the pet shop. You loved those dogs as if they were your life. Stay there until I come pick you up, okay?"

I nodded, "Thanks Jeremy."

"Don't overdo yourself. Be safe, sweetheart."

We hung up and I made my way to the pet shop which was a few blocks away.

Just as I made it inside, I heard a snarl. I halted in my step as I witnessed Annie with pure anger in her eyes. "Yeah?! Well me too buddy!" She snapped at, Soul, a black and white pitbull, who loudly barked and growled at her, was about to attack her when I grabbed his collar and held him back.

"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down, boy!" I said as I pulled him further back from Annie who smirked evilly.

"Wipe that smirk off or I swear I will let him eat you alive," I threatened as I gave her a glare.

Her smirk dropped immediately as her mother came up behind her and slapped her hard behind the head. She cried out in pain and held onto her head.

"I told you to bring him back in and you're out here trying to get yourself killed!" Annie's mother, Gloria, yelled at her.

I moved in front of Soul and grabbed both sides of the collar and made him look at me. "Hey stud," I greeted as I scratched his neck and up behind his ear.

He growled and snarled but after awhile he calmed down and buried himself into my embrace. I smiled, "I missed you too, buddy." I rubbed down his back and back to his head as I kissed the top of it. "Come on, lets get you back to your cage," I said as I let go of his collar and walked through the door after glaring at Annie again.

I opened up his cage and put him inside after kissing his forehead. "Behave," I said as I closed the gate and locked it up.

I went back to the front and sighed. "Annie, what you did was wrong," I started as I headed to the back counter. "Soul came from an abusive family so of course he's going to want to kill you."

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