Seven Years Gone. Seven Years Difference

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"Is that all you got?!" She taunted as I pushed myself up and wiped my lips boredly. I rolled my neck making it crack and then blew my hair out of my eyes. I stared at her then suddenly yawned making her glare at me. I covered my mouth and yawned again. "You bitch!"

I went into one of my trancelike stages where everything else gets blurred out and the noise gets disoriented. All I see is my target and the threat. She came at me as I sidestepped her and punched the back of her head, knocking her off balance to the ground with a slide. I dropped over her and kept her pinned to the ground. I brought back my fist and slammed it multiple times to her head. Harshly, she elbowed me in my ribs. Throwing me off, I rolled to a stand and just as she stood I tackled her down quickly and sent punches up her body to her face. A few of them she blocked but most of them she missed.

My punches became faster and the next thing I know she had went limp under me. Her arms spread out beside her as she gasps and wheezes for breath. I stare down at her bloodied and broken face. Standing up I then stared down at myself, my clothes also covered in blood. With a sigh, I wiped the back of my hands on my abdomen and turned and went to my corner of the ring. Her men quickly entered the ring to take her out and aid her. I leaned against my corner with my head thrown back. Leo came up the steps and stood next to me from outside the ropes and leaned against it. "The Queen isn't going to be happy about this sis."

I sighed and closed my eyes. "It's not my fault that the other princess's wants to challenge me." I stood straight and stood in front of Leo in a pouting manner. "Besides, this is the only way to not think about that jerk. I mean Landon has been helping out too but this gets rid of the anger."

Leo looked at me with both brows raised then his face relaxed and started chuckling at me. "And what is it that he's helping you with?" He asked with playful narrowing eyes. I bit back a smirk. Leo grabbed me by the back of my neck and kissed my forehead. "Whatever makes you happy baby sis." Leo pulls back then looks at one of my hands. When he saw how badly bruised they were he cringed. "Ugh."

I pulled it back and playfully shoved his shoulder. He smiled as I turned around and sighed. "Who's next?" I asked to the other princess's waiting to duel with me. Princess Monica from the house of Reed stood up. She gave me a disgusted look over. "Don't get too cocky."

One after another they were all defeated. I hissed when I wiped my cut lip. Jumping down from the ring, Leo comes over with a relieved smile and threw the towel at my head as I yelped. Leo chuckles as I pull it off and sent him a fake punch to his abdomen which he quickly tries to block. I smirk as he scowls at me. "Very funny princess," he hisses. I combed my hair back and then grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought him down towards me. I smiled and kissed him on his cheek as he let out a low grunt and pulled me in tightly. "I hate when you do that," he whispers as he kisses my nose. "Let's get your pretty little ass home before Queen Ang gets worried."

"What?" I asked in disbelief. "'No way. Me? The ungrateful daughter-in-law?"

Leo chuckles and throws his arm around my shoulders and leads me out the gym and towards the car. Leno, my main guy that looks over the documents to make sure they are what they are, stopped me before I entered. "Princess Chyna from the house of Asher bet on the east loading docks of J and J's but on paper, it is only the one port of which only small sailboats come and go." I moved out of Leo's arm and went up to him. He handed it to me as I looked it over with Leo reading it from behind me. "Princess?" Leno asks.

I handed them back to him. "Call the Queen and tell her I won't make it to dinner and have Kamier make sure Soul eats."

Leno nods. "Yes princess. Be safe."

I turned around and entered the car as Leo follows behind me and the rest of my guards get into their cars to follow us. I let out a soft sigh. "And I was really hoping to see Soul early tonight."

I let out a sigh and crouched before the even more bloodied princess as she gasps for breath. I played with the knife in my hands as she continues to plea for life. "P-p-please," she begs. "J-just ha-ave it all! Ju-st p-please stop." I looked down at her as her tears ran down the sides of her face. I pushed her over and got on top of her while my hand slowly squeezed her throat. She wheezes and tries to pry my hand off. With a quick deep cut to her arm she cries out in agony. Pressing the knife to her throat just right above where my hand still encircles, I leaned in towards her.

"Who are you people! Stop!" Queen Kathy screams. "She's just a child! Please stop!"

I closed my eyes in agitation and stood up. I walked over to her and without hesitation, grabbed her by the back of the neck and plunged the knife into her shoulder as she let out an agonizing scream. I stared her down while twisting the knife. "Do you know who I am?" I asked. The Queen shook her head and tried to pry my hand off the handle of the knife. "Then let me tell you, who I am." I let go of the handle to punch her face. I pinned her down to the ground by her throat. "I, am Prince Ryder's hellhound, Princess Scarlett Liksis. To say I am just as bloodthirsty as him is as correct as ever."

I leaned in much closer and smirked, holding the most sinister and sadistic look in my eyes. I ghostly growled out the words from my mouth, making her shake with fear. "I crave it. That, child...played me. We've made a deal on lands and yet that, pathetic piece of shit of a child, decided to go back on it. Gave me false documents. False land. False ownership. No one humiliates the Quantum family and gets away with it. Especially, with me."

The queen's eyes go wide and sheer terror ran across her pale face. "P-p-princess S-Scarlett?" She whispers. Again shaking her head vigorously, she, too, pleaded life. "I'm sorry! Please forgive me! I didn't know! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

With a deep breath I straightened my back a bit. I got up off the ground and went over to Leo who held his usual blank yet dark look. I took the gun out of his hand and went back over to Queen Kathy. The famous black widow for years. The Queen who killed her king to get to his throne and make it her own. Aiming it at her head, she stares back with her red eyes. "I have much more people in all places. In the shadows and even in your own home. They will get you and torture you a hundred times as bad as you did to me today. I will see you in hell," she spat.

I scoffed then smirked. "Too bad it won't be any time soon. And if you're talking about Leno, he's my person now." Her eyes flared with anger and just as she pulled the knife from her shoulder and lounged at me, I fired multiple shots at her. She fell limp to the ground as her eyes stayed opened so hauntingly. I aimed my gun to Princess Chyna who screamed for her mother. "And as for you, child, why don't you accompany her on down?"

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