R Y D E R - Anger Management

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It has been days but feels like months since I haven't seen her. How can such a mere girl do me so wrong? All I wanted was her body anyways. I could have any girl on their knees begging me to just fuck them. But no. My mind and body has a fucking mind of their own. They wanted her. Bad.

I got off the bed and put on my clothes as the girl I laid with last night slept peacefully. I scowl at such a girl. I hated women who always stole my blanket from me when I slept. It's irritatingly annoying. I wouldn't have had mind if they put the heat on but shit, no.

I threw some money on the bed and walked out of the ratchet's apartment. I fixed my shirt and pulled out my phone to have Leo calling me. "Yeah," I said as I unlocked my car and got in, starting it up.

"I'm going to be a little late," he sighed out. "I ran into someone and I'm at my mom's clinic right now."

I snicker as he grunted. "Not literally asshole."

"Right," I said as I leaned back. "So what is it then?"

Leo was quiet for a bit. "Your woman got hurt. Corner of Wisconsin Ave and 12th Street."

I stilled. My hands gripped a deathly one at my phone. "What?" I gritted out.

And I was racing to get to Jennifer's clinic. I skidded to a stop and quickly got out of my car. Once I entered, the nurses there stood. "Mister Quantum," they greeted.

Not caring, I stormed down the hall of the clinic, looking in each room. When I didn't find them I bursted into Jennifer's office in a rage. Leo sighed. "They're gone. Jeremy must have called her to work and called again when she didn't show up."

Leo bit into his apple as Jennifer's face was beaming. I glared at her as her smile faded into a frown. I swirled around and slammed the door with all the fury in me. I pulled out my phone and slammed opened the clinic door and exited the building. I put the phone up to my ear as it rang once. "What's up man?"

"Give me the footage of Wisconsin Ave and 12th Street and send it to my email. Then find them and send them to the warehouse."


I hung up and screeched off. Once I find the person who hurt my woman...they are dead.

My mind flooded with ways to kill the bastard. How to torture them endlessly. Once I made it to warehouse, my men stood with chains and metal baseball bats. "Who the hell are you people!" A man screamed.

Joseph was the person I go to to find the person I need or to hack into systems to get what I want. He was also one of my go-to person who was down for anything and everything.

"Have your father ever teach you to be a gentlemen, Mister Yule?" Joseph asked as he looked down at the documents in his hands. "For having gay parents, you'd think so."

"Do you know who I am?! I can get all your asses arrested!" The man continue to yell. "Let me go!" He roared as he tried to get out of the ropes.

As I made my way closer, I grabbed a metal bat from one of my men and swung with no mercy at the man's knees as he painfully cried out. I threw it back to my men and grabbed the man responsible for my woman's injuries by the throat. "I'm more than capable of murdering you and getting away with it," I snarled as the man shook.

The man's eyes widen as I glared at him. Joseph stood beside me as he gave me information about this bastard. "Eli Yule. Adopted when he was two from a gay couple. CEO and head of Charities Bay."

I smirked. "Don't tell me you molest little children, snake?" I asked with a low tone.

Joseph continued. "I pulled videos from his home computer and guess what?" He sarcastically said. "He molasses children!"

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