To Be Strong Only To Hide

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I entered the study to find the profile laid out, sprawled all over. Pictures of me, everywhere. I sat down and sighed. "Ryder, babe," I scolded lightly. I picked up the information about me and looked it over slowly. "Camille Demtri. Daughter of fourth mistress, Queen Annabel Jordan and Kin to King Abel Demtri." I flipped the pages to find his picture along with the people in the House of Demtri. All four mistresses and their kids and their kids, kids.

I moved the papers and pictures aside to find newspaper clippings of a car accident. The top was bold and in all caps: Bad Accident Causes The Life Of Two. I grabbed it and read through it carefully. With each word I read, it felt like a whip to my body. My mind jumbled around and all that I had comprehended from the article was that my mother died by the hands of Russian mafias. Those men were all arrested and was too soon to be released and found not guilty when photographs was clearly taken of all of them getting out of the car and shooting straight into the windows of the car she was in.

Other news clippings were then of those same men, found dead on the same street of where the accident had taken place. They were all disembodied and blood painted the road. Marks were also embodied into the cement of where each part laid. "Mafia King, Abel Demtri, Arrested For Manslaughter and Much More," it then had read. Then the list goes on about drugs, illegal military guns, murders, and missing persons.

"It was even rumored that he had contracted another to murder his own unborn," I read in a whisper making my chest tinge. "Because he had believed that it wasn't his." I let out a growl like scoff. "What a life." I placed all the papers down. I had already made it clear that I wasn't going anywhere and if anyone even dares try to make a move to get me, I'll make sure hell was to pay. Not only me, but I'm damn sure Ryder would bring even more havoc to them than I could even imagine.

"Are you done?" Came Ryder's voice from across the room.

I stared over at him unfazed and crossed my arms. "What's with all of this?" I asked as I nodded my head to his desk. "Are you doubting my decision for you to bring all this nonsense up?" I admit, I am a bit disappointed. Even maybe a bit angry at him.

He pushes off the chair he sits on and comes over. He leans down towards me and places his lips on mine for a mere two seconds before pulling away. "I can't help but think that you'll leave to find-"

"I have you Ryder," I interrupted quite angrily. "They're nothing to me. Even the person I had once called mother and sister means nothing to me ever since the day you left. Just because this piece of paper says I'm whoever I am, I'm not that person. I'm Scarlett Liksis and your damn fiancé and I'll appreciate it if you stop doubting me when all I have ever done was wait for your dumbass to come back to me."

I could feel the tears building up as my nose and eyes stung. I pushed Ryder away and stormed past him, infuriated with myself that I could become so weak because of him. I'm not weak. I'm stronger than this. Ryder tried to stop me but I pried myself away feeling the anguish and betrayal seep up through my veins. "Love," He calls as he wraps his hand around my arm and pulls me back and turns me around. I glared up at him as the tears were starting to blur my vision. "Don't fucking walk away from me."

"Then what will you rather have me do?" I barked. "I'm not the same Scarlett you used to know, Ryder. When I'm angry, I'm out to fucking kill. When I feel betrayed, I'm out there bringing hell and havoc. I'm not weak," I hissed. I pulled my arm back and turned myself and continue to storm out, slamming the door on my way out.

Everything from that time on, was blank. I didn't even know what the hell I was doing anymore as I sat slouched in the chair clothed in damp blood. Leo was standing next to me as Leno was on the other side of me. I took a deep sigh and slowly stood up as I made my way over to the Princess laying on the ground, trying to breathe. I looked down at her as she shook. "You're a waste of space and air," I stated as I cocked my gun and pulled the trigger.

All the girls in the room shrieked and cried in fear as they huddled in together. I looked to them as they shook and stared to the ground, holding each other for comfort. "You are dead the next time I find you stealing from me and giving it to any persons from the other houses...I'll fucking cut off your head and hang your body for your family to see. Do I make myself clear?" I warned dangerously.

"Yes Princess," They answered fearfully.

"Be presentable. Don't, disappoint me," I said as I went over to hand my gun to Leo. I walked out of the basement of the place and up the stairs. I headed on out to the alleyway and threw my head back with a deep breath. "Get in princess," Leno says as he had the door to the car open. I picked up my head and entered the car.

On the way back was filled with silence. No one said anything as I just stared out of the window and watched the other cars pass by in a blur. Once getting home, I got myself out of the car and headed on inside only to find Ang calling for me from the living area. I let out a sigh and dragged myself to the living area to find her, Kamier, and Ryder. His eyes darkened when he saw the blood on me. The muscles in his jaw jerked harshly and his hands that were laying on the arms of the chair slowly turned into fists.

"What?" I snapped at Ang.

She looked away from me with clear tears in her eyes. I looked to Kamier as he had all kinds of emotions raging in his dark brown eyes. Soon, the two sisters entered the living room and when they saw me they halted in their steps. The room was filled with the most tense atmosphere as no one uttered a word. "Princess, you have a phone call," Leno says breaking the tension. I turned myself around and grabbed the phone from his hand and walked away.

I looked down to the ID and stressfully breathed. "Mister Yaman, what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I heard your lover is out of prison. I guess this means all my business with you will have to now go through him?" he asks in a gruff voice.

"Whatever makes your day, Mister Yaman. I don't know what you've heard but as you know, I never finish half my food and throw the rest away even if poison is found in it."

He deeply chuckles, clearly knowing that I was indicating about the day he decided to try to kill me when he had invited me for dinner with his family. "What a muse," he compliments. "Then I'll see you both at your event then to continue the discussion."

"Of course," I said then hung up.

Leno took the phone out of my hand. "Princess?"

"I don't know," I answered his unvoiced question. "I don't fucking know anymore." I turned and headed up the stairs, practically dragging my feet. Once I made it to my room, I showered and dropped tiredly on my bed uncaring that my hair was still wet. "Pathetic," I whispered. "Weak. Stupid. Monster."

The door to my room opened quietly and closed. Soft footsteps came closer to me and then got on the bed. "Scar," Nina calls out as she lays in front of me. "What's going on with you, girlie." I kept my eyes casted to the design on my blanket. Nina reaches over and runs her hands through my hair.

"I'm in a dilemma with my damn attitude. I want to be the old Scarlett, but the voice in my head keeps telling me that I'm not weak. I show my strong side and the old Scarlett starts to surface telling me to stop. Ryder's back and doubts me more than ever. I'm not who I thought I was. My real mother's dead. I have a family I haven't even met or even knew that existed. My father's old and probably still locked up." I slowly looked up at her as tears fell shocking Nina. "I'm suppose to be dead."

"Scar," she whispers.

I push myself up and turn my back to her. I bring my legs close and hug myself. "I love Ryder. I want to be with Ryder and stay with him for the rest of my damn horrible life. I'm a monster who just goes on ahead and hurt people because I feel like it. I don't even know who I am anymore. I feel so lost. So stupid. So demented. I feel that I've took ten steps forward but really I've been stomping in the same damn spot for seven years. I haven't even gone anywhere but changed so much. And for what? To show others I'm okay. That I was okay without Ryder. That I could have done life without him."

Nina comes over and hugs me from behind as she lays her head on the back of my shoulder. I bury my face in my arm and silently cry. "I'm nothing but a big fake and liar."

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