Queen bee.

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Yugi's pov

When we arrived at school, I couldn't believe my eyes once they had fallen on the absolute worst person I could have ever met, Téa Gardner a.k.a The school bitch. She has always been mean to me as well as called me countless names only because I'm friends with Yami who happens to be her crush. Yami seemed to have noticed me staring at her since he whispered in my ear,

"Don't worry, I'm here. If she tries anything to harm you, I'll protect you I promise," oh my Ra he's too cute I thought.
"Okay..t-thanks Y-Yami," urg! Curse my stuttering for Yami must have noticed this as well since he began to laugh and a huge smile appeared on his handsome face.

Time skip.

The bell rang for break so I went on to my locker. As luck seemed to be against me this year, I was forced to have my locker next to Tea's. I opened my locker and stored any book I no longer needed. I was too preoccupied to notice Tea approaching me rather dangerously. Without warning, Tea forcefully turned me around and shoved me into the lockers. When she did, she made me hit my head against the metal of the lockers hard. "Listen shrimp," she exclaimed in the harshest tone I've ever heard. "Don't go thinking I didn't see you walk here with Yami this morning. If I were to ever catch you doing that again there will be serious consequences. I need you to understand that Yami is mine and certainly not yours," with that, she shoved me into the lockers once more before walking off.

Soon it was time for the third lesson. This was the lesson I was dreading the most for I had Téa in my history lesson. Regardless, it wasn't all that bad since I also had: Joey, Tristan, Yami, Marik, Malik, Ryou, Bakura and of course Kaiba attending my class as well.

(A/N Just because it would take forever describing them and so you guys can get a better picture of what they look like ;) :) )

This is Marik

This is Malik

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This is Malik

This is Malik

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This is Ryou

This is Ryou

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