Only if your sure.

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I know the picture doesn't match the content but i found it so darn cute, look at baby Atem.
Yugi pov.
I decided that I want to be with Yami forever. To do that I need him to turn me into a vampire.
"What are you thinking about Yugi?" A little startled I turn to Yami. Who lays next to me with a smirk on his face but his crimson eyes show curiosity.
" Oh, nothing"
"Are you sure Yugi."
"Okay, we best get ready for school seen as it is Monday."
"I know"

Time skip.
I see Joey and the gang at the entrance of the school and call them over,
"Hey guys, can I talk to you all."
"Sure what about yug'? " Joey asks
"Yami do you mind going ahead, well meet you up later?"
"Urm...okay Yugi but be quick"
"We will"
When Yami was far enough away I turn to the rest of the gang,
"What was that about Yugi?" Ryou asked
"I want to tell and ask you all something with out Yami for a moment" I explain
"What do you want shrimp?" Bakura interjects
" Well.... I have decided to let Yami turn me into a vampire," all the gang, even Kaiba turned to stare at me with wide eyes,wanting further explanations, so I carry on,
"I want to live forever with him, and wanted not to let you guys go because you will eventually die of old age and I don't think I can go through with that, so would you all like to turn into vampires with me?"
After a moment of hesitation Bakura and Marik shout out in- sink
"Yes!!" Then Ryou and Malik say,
"We'll I don't want to leave them alone so yeah why not"
That leaves Joey,Kaiba and Tristan. Joey and Tristan say with excitement,
" Sure Yugi, like we would ever give up this opportunity."
Kaiba then sighs with defeat,
"Yeah I'm not going to leave my puppy."
I then thank them in response.
" Thank you, you guys, this means a lot to me"
"Any thing for you Yug,' now come on let's get to Yami" Joey replies

Time skip.
"Yami we would all like to ask you something"
"Yeah guys what is it?"
"Well we were thinking and we would like to ask you if you would turn us all into vampires because we would like to live forever with you?"
Yami stares at me blinking a few times then asked,
"This is what you all want?"
"Yes Yami"
"Okay but only if your absolutely positive?"
"Yes Yami now do it" Marik snapped
" Okay, who first?"
"Me" I pipe up
"Okay I need you all to go into the living room, and Yugi I need you to lay on the sofa" Yami instructed
"Okay Yami" I reply

Yami pov.

After I finish sharpening my fangs I hesitantly make my way over to the living room and over to Yugi.
"Okay this will hurt and I want you all to know that seen as I was turned by a girl vampire, her poison is in me that means you all have a 50/50 chance of getting wings, okay?"
"Okay Yami" Yugi replies from his place on the sofa.
"Okay, I'll make this as quick as possible for you guys"
Yuri then looks at me with those amethyst eyes of his as I slowly make my head level with his head. I give him a reassuring kiss on the forehead and make my way to his neck. He tilts his head to give me access. I then sink my teeth into his neck and he cries out in pain. I ate to see him in pain.
"Ahhhhh Y-Yami it h-hurts ahhh"
I can feel my fangs dig deeper into his neck and into his veins letting my poison surge through him. Just a little more I think to my self.

And done.

Yugi has passed out. But that is to be expected.
I pull Yugi in my arms and carry him bridal style putting him to bed. A sudden voice is heard when I return to the living room.
"Is he going to be alright?" Ryou quietly asks
"Yeah he will be he just needs some rest that's all." I reassure
"Who's next?" I Ask
"I am" Joe instantly replies
"Okay. Joey please lay on the sofa."
Joey then lays on the sofa and I do the same to him as I did to my aibou.

After a while I repeated the process to Kaiba,Bakura,Marik,Malik,Tristan then last but not least Ryou. And they are all resting in their rooms. When they wake up they will crave blood for the first time.
Yugi: Yami I hope I get wings
Yami: only time will tell aibou
Yugi: btw Mel?
Mel: yeah Yugi?
Yugi: are you forgetting something?
Mel: not that I can think of why?
Yami: the disclaimer
Mel: disclaimer?
Yami: yeah its where you say that you don't own YU-GI-OH! but you do own the plot.
Mel: you can do it that's your job from now on then at the beginning of each chapter, or you can take it in turns?
Yami: me and Yugi will take it in turns
Mel: okay.
Yugi; okay
Mel doesn't own YU-I-OH! If she did there would be a lot of yaoi but she does own the plot so please don't steel.
Mel: Thanks Yugi
Yugi: Your welcome.
Until next time
Fangirl out.

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