Sleep-over gone wrong.

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Poor Yugi can't catch a break :( you'll see why in this next chapter enjoy!


Yugi pov.

I finished contacting all of my friends rather quickly. They all said they could make it, even Kaiba said he would come as well. Although, it's probably only because Joey nagged him.

"'Ey sup yug', thanks for 'viting us!" My Brooklyn accented friend exclaimed as he burst open the door of the shop. Following shortly behind were all the others for Kaiba gave them a ride here.
"No problem Joey, just go upstairs to your assigned rooms and settle yourselves in. By the way, tonight you'll be sharing rooms!"
"That's okay Yugi," Ryou politely said.

The rooms were assigned as follows; Yami and I, Joey with Kaiba, Ryou, Bakura and Tristan shared one and to conclude, Malik and Marik were in the last room. They soon placed their things in their rooms and piled into the living room.

"So Yugi, what are we going to watch?" Tristan asked.
"Well, to make it fair, I thought that you could all chose one movie to watch each." I answer with an excitement riddled voice.
"Sounds good aibou," Yami replied forcing a blush to make its way onto my face.

It took nearly half an hour to finally get everyone to decide a move. The choices were as follows:

Me: Superman Returns.

Yami: Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man's Chest.
Joey: (Being the child he is,) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Kaiba: Batman.
Tristan: (Also an utter child,) Magic Roundabout.
Marik: Chuckey
Malik: Saw.
Ryou: Titanic.
Bakura: The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

I made some snacks and brought some tea, pop and water just in case. We sat down on the large sofa, well most of us anyways. Joey and Kaiba sat together on a chair. Although, by 'sat on a chair' I meant that Joey was sitting on Kaiba's lap.

Time skip.

I felt so tired after about three movies that I nearly fell asleep on Yami's shoulder.

"Good night guys, " I mumbled considering I was already half asleep.

"Night Yugi!" They shouted back in union. I turned to face Yami and said,
"Come on Yami,"
"Okay aibou," he said following me to the room.

Time skip.

I woke up in the middle of the night needing something to drink. I head on to kitchen and grab the smallest cup I could possibly find and filled it halfway with cold water. I quickly guzzled it down so I could return to my blissful slumber. As I turned around, I didn't even get the chance to scream for a hand covered my mouth, and without any warning........ Darkness engulfed me....

Téa pov.

I figured that to get Yami to go out with me, I would have to have a bait. That's where Yugi 'his aibou' came into play. Before I leave, I leave a small note on the kitchen counter.

(A/N Just coz I like these photos and I couldn't decide which to put in as the top photo.)

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hate giving Yugi such bad luck but it gets better I promise

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I hate giving Yugi such bad luck but it gets better I promise.
I'm also sorry for all the time skips and because it's another short one.
But please
Until next time
Fangirl out.

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