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Paisley POV:
John, Ben and I aren't as athletic as we need to be so we took longer to clear the fence.
I heard a hiss if a walker and told them to hurry.
We quickly ran down the lane and turned the corner.
Blood was everywhere and Lexi was laying on the ground with a bite taken out of her shoulder.
" Jewel what happened" I asked.
She looked back her eyes red and puffy.
" L...Lexi was bitten by the walker" Jewel said.
Jewel grabbed Lexi and started carrying her to the house.
I grabbed both of jewel's swords and Lexi's ball.
We headed towards the house.
After about an hour later, Jewel finally came out of the basement.
" is Lexi ok" John asked.
" she's fine, I stitched up the bite and don't worry about the infection it doesn't infect animals" Jewel said.
" really... No wonder I never seen animal walkers" I said thinking about the travel back to this city.
" yeah it's all good she'll be fine, she's just really protective of her toys" Jewel said jokingly.
" that great" Ben said.
He tried to give a smile but I knew it was fake, he didn't like dogs so he wasn't really happy.

John POV:
I'm glad Lexi is ok, having a dog will be beneficial to the team.
Its crazy that the infection doesn't infect animals, that's great.
" so what now" I asked not really knowing what to say.
" well for now we'll let her rest" Jewel said, " I need to clean myself up and my swords too..... Wait... Fuck I forgot..!"
Jewel was cut off by paisley handing her, her swords and Lexi's ball.
" thanks paisley" Jewel said.
Jewel headed up stairs to wash up, me, Ben and paisley headed to the living room.
" so whatcha wanna watch" I asked.
Jewel finally came back down clean and her hair in a very nice braid.
" looking good" paisley said jokingly.
I liked that about paisley even in bad times she could always make others laugh.
" nice braid" I commented.
" thanks, since I had 10 years to myself I had time to learn to do many new skills" she said sitting down next to me.
" so whatcha watching" she asked.
For a second I lost my train of thought, my eyes went burry and my mind didn't think.
" John" Jewel said shaking me out of my moment.
" oh sorry it's just I lost my thought" I said giving a fake smile.
" ok" she said turning back to the t.v.
What was that?
We finished watching Jurassic park and decided to go to bed, Jurassic park was one Jewels Favorite movies I remember her talking about it long ago.
" good night John, Ben and paisley" Jewel said before closing her door.
I was about to say good night before I remembered Lexi, I thought about telling Jewel but I chose to go by myself.
I walked quietly down stairs and into the basement.
Lexi was dead asleep, I quietly crypt towards her.
Her eye suddenly opened and she barked.
I was taken back a bit but after a second she calmed down.
" it's ok Lexi is just me" I said sitting down next to her.
She was such a nice dog, when I was younger I always wanted a dog like her.
Unfortunately before I could get one The infection started.
I stayed there for a few minutes just petting her and trying to comfort her.
She finally pasted out and I almost did too.
I checked out her wound seeing if it was ok, it was healing well so I went back up stairs.
Jewel used some type of healing plant and bandages to cover up the wound.
She's really learned how to survive.
I walked back up the last flight of stairs a headed towards me and bens room.
I wonder what we're doing tomorrow I thought to myself before drifting off to sleep.
Thx for reading hope you like it!
Next part soon!

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