Chapter 8

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At the airport James was waiting for us with Fox and Lily. We got into the car and first we drove to Kendall's house and dropped him off. Then drove to our house. "Tara I have to go to work now! But I'll be back soon! And just call if it's an emergancy!" he said and kissed my cheek. "Bye!" I said and then he left. Then Shannon called.

Me: Hey Shannon!

Shannon: Hi! How was it in Germany?!

Me: I didn't see that much of Germany! I was there just one day! But the concert was great!

Shannon: Cool

Me: Why did you call?!

Shannon: Well...I wanted to tell you Kendall and I got back together!

Me: Really?! When?

Shannon: About 10 minutes ago!

Me: Aww I'm so happy for you both!

We were talking like 2 hours but then she had to hang up. I was playing with Fox and Lily when I got a message from James:

Is it true what Kendall told me?!

I was thinking about what Kendall could have told him. I had no idea and then I replied with:

What did he tell you?!

James didn't wrote back. Then I called Kendall.

Kendall: Hello?

Me: What did you tell James?

Kendall: I told him that we kissed!

Me: BUT WE NEVER KISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You fell on me and our lips touched! Nothing more!!!!!

Kendall: That counts as a kiss!

Me: NO it doesn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why did you even tell him?! You told ME not to tell him!

Kendall: We got into an argument!!!

Me: Well thank you Kendall!

I started to cry and hung up. I looked at the clock and it was almost midnight. I started to worry about James. I tried to call him 20 times but he didn't answered. I was about to call him again but then he came through the door. James was looking down all the time. I stood up, ran to him and hugged him. He was still looking down and pulled away from the hug. He took off his jacket and went to the bedroom. I followed him and said "James wait....." he took his pj's and walked to the guest-room. "James please le me explain what happened!" I said following him. "No! I don't want to hear it! Now go out please I want to change!" he said and I walked out.

James' POV

I couldn't belive it! My best friend and my girlfriend kissed! Tara tried to explain it but now I broke and really don't want to talk to anyone exept me! Weird....I know but no one can understand me. I mean I trusted them to fly to Germany alone and expected they'll just go to a concert and stay best friends and don't become a secret couple! After this hard night I needed a little sleep.

Tara's POV

I was still awake when I heard snorings from the guest room. I checked it and James was asleep. It seems like he wants to sleep alone so I walked upstairs and slept in the bedroom.

The next day...................

I was awake before James was and prepared breakfast for him. When he woke up he went upstairs and changed. "Good morning James" I said. He took his phone and walked to the door. "James wait!!!" I said running to the door. I stood infront of the so he can't go out. "Let me explain it please!!!! It's really not what it looks like!" I said he shook his head. "Then at least tell where you're going!" I said "To the studio" he said. I walked away so he could get out. Then Shannon called me.

Me: Hi

Shannon: Hey it's everything fine with you and James?! Kendall told me what happened yesterday and I wanted to know if everything's okay!

Me: No!!! Nothing's okay!

Shannon: Tell me everything!

Me: Yesterday when he came home he was just looking down and he even pulled away from my hug! And he slept in the guest-room!

I started crying.

Shannon: Tara I'm coming to you now!

Tara: Thank you!

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