Chapter 18

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When we both got our things we drove to the beach together. We spent the whole day there and I have to say...IT WAS THE BEST DAY OF MY WHOLE LIFE!!! Until......

I got a call from Alexa. I put it on speaker. "Hey" I said in a annoyed tone. "Tara, where are you?" Alexa asked. "Why are you asking?" I asked back. "You need to watch the new RIGHT NOW!" she said. "Okay, Alexa that has time" James said. "Shut up James" Alexa said. She seemed pissed off of him. After she said that James hung up. We also drove home after that. When we arrived, Alexa stood in front of the door. I ran to her and asked what she wanted to say earlier. When she was about to speak James came. "Lets go in!" he said shaking. He was afraid of something I could see. I didn't ask because I knew if he wanted to tell me he already did. "Mommy! Daddy!" Tony yelled and ran to us."Hey sweetie! How was school today? And your day with uncle Logie?" I asked smiling at him. "Both were great!" he said. Logan left and Tony was playing in his room. James was taking a shower. "Alexa what did you want to tell me?!" I asked and sat on the chair and gave Alexa her coffee. "In the news was a reportage of James" she started. "And?" I asked. "They said he got back to Halston...they also showed pics of them, kissing and hugging like a couple would..." when she said that my heart broke into two. She showed me one of the pics that were in the news. I know she didn't want me to see these pics...but I had to. Tears were streaming down my face.

James came out of the shower and saw me crying. He ran to me. "Tara what happened?!" he asked worried. "Alexa just told me what a jerk you are!" I said between cries. "It's not true! I can explain it!" he said and tried to hug me. "James stop it! I don't want to hear it! I saw it with MY OWN eyes!" I said and ran upstairs to Tony's room. I packed his and my stuff. "Mommy why are you crying?" Tony asked me. I looked at him and cried more. I took him into my arms and thought to myself "How could James do this? We had a perfect life, a perfect son and then he did this!" I continued packing and when I was finished I grabbed Tony's hand, my keys and our suitcase. "Where are we going?" for the second time Tony asked. "Far, far away from here" I said and walked downstairs with him. James tried to stop me from leaving but I started to run to my car and drove off. 

Sorry for this short chapter again! Btw I totally adore Jalston!!! 

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