Chapter 12

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I ran on stage and the fans started to cheer. "How's everyone going tonight?" I said through the microphone. They just started to scream louder. I sang my whole album and did a few covers but then I had to go off stage.


"And? How was it?!" James asked me curiously. "It was awesome!!!" I said and smiled. "Excuse me, Tara Reeds?" a strange guy came and asked me. "Yes?" I asked turning to him. "Hello, I'm Drake Parker, producer of 'The Hunger Games'!" he said and gave me his card. "I and my co-producers were looking for someone for the soundtrack of the next movie! So...would you like to have this job?" Drake also said. I couldn't believe it! I just got asked if I want to do the soundtrack fr the next Hunger Games movie! "Do it" James told me and nodded. "Uhm...okay I'll do it!" I said smiling widely. "Great! See you soon!" Drake said and left. "Omg!!!" I said almost screaming. "See! I told you you there will be movie producers!"

The tour was over by now. After that I did the soundtrack for the movie. Today was mine and James' 3 year anniversary but when I woke up James wasn't home. I checked my phone and saw a message from James. It said:

Hey:) I had to go to the studio this morning but I'll try my best to come home early! love you<3 XOXO JM

I got up and made breakfast. I set everything on the table and then at around 11am James came in. "Hey babe!" James said and then kissed me. "Hi and happ-" I was cut off by familiar voices. I turned around and saw Logan, Kendall, Carlos, Alexa and Shannon walked in. "What are you guys doing here?!" I asked annoyed. "James told us to come over for a movie!" they all said and nodded at each other. "Oh...okay..." I said and walked upstairs to my room.

I couldn't believe it! James forgot our anniversary...I was crying...If he forgot it, maybe wasn't even important to him! Like two hours later I realized there was silence, so they were gone. I went downstairs and checked my phone. I got a message from Alexa and started texting her;

Alexa: Where were you?

Me: Upstairs...crying...

Alexa: Aww:'( why were you crying?! Did something happen?! Tell me!

Me: James...he forgot our anniversary:((

Alexa: How could he?! Are you sure it's today because it REALLY doesn't sound like James!

Me: I know it's today!!!

Alexa: Okay...I don't believe it! How could he forget it!? Should I talk to him?

Me: Please! But don't exaggerate! Keep it simple:)

Alexa: Haha:D Okay I will:)

Me: Thank you so much Lex:*

Alexa: No problem:)

Me: Bye and thanks again!

Alexa: Bye:)

I hope James will at least remember it...

The time went by and James came home again. "Hi" I said and ran to him and jumped into his open arms. "Hey" he said. "Baby, why were you so upset this morning?" he asked me pulling away from the hug. "You should seems like you don't even know what day today is!" I said looking from his eyes to the ground. "It's saturday?!" he said looking confused. "I got don't remember it because it isn't mportant to you!" I said walking to the bedroom and I also said "By the way it's our anniversary!!!"

James' POV

I called Carlos and the others, who were waiting outside, and told them to come in. When they came in I whispered happyly "It worked!" "Wait what worked?!" Alexa and Shannon asked confused. "His plan!" Logan said. "So your plan was getting Tara super upset and mad at you?!" Alexa asked still confused. "That was the first part of the plan! The second comes now. We light on these little candles and spread these rose petals everywhere!" I said holding up a bag of candles in one hand and in the other a bouquet of roses, the other guys doing the same. "So are you in?!" the guys and I asked. "Yup!" the girls said.

We set up everything. Carlos even set up a camera to film it. "You got the ring?!" Kendall asked me. "Right here!" I said and pointed to my pocket. Then the others went to the guest room next to the living room so they could hear everything.

I ran upstairs and knocked on the bedroom-door. "Tara please come out!" I said begging. "No!!!" she said angryly. "Please you won't regret it!" I said and she opened the door. "Please!!!" I begged giving her my best puppy-dog face. "You're lucky that you're so cute!" she said. I laughed and covered her eyes with a tape. "James what are you doing?!" she asked. "Nothing just follow my lead!" I said smiling. We were downstairs now.

"Okay stay here!" I said and lead her to the middle of the petals. I was very nervous...But I have to do it now or never! "Take the tape off!" I said and she did. Her look was amazed.

"Tara, it's been 3 amazing years I spent with you but...I don't want to be called your boyfriend anymore!" I started. Tara started to cry and wanted to say something but I went on before she could do that. "I want to be more than that!" I said and saw here smile again. "These 3 years were the best I've ever had. I wanted the rest of my life also to be that amazing like the past 3 years but I realized something! For that I also need you by my side! Will you make that happen?" I finished and kneeled infront of her. She let out a little 'Oh my gosh' and then I took out the little black box with the ring that was customized for Tara and asked "Tara will you marry me?" she said and started crying. "I will James!!!" she said happily. I stood up and slid the ring on her finger. I leaned in for a passionate long kiss.

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