Chapter 9

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Shannon drove here and came in. "Shh.....Tara everything's gonna be okay....." she said and hugged me. I was still crying. "You want me to talk to James?!" she asked and I nodded "Please!!!" "Okay let me ask Alexa if she want to come here so you're not alone!" Shannon said and took out her phone and called Alexa. "Okay fine and thank you!" Shannon said and hung up. "Alexa is on her way! I'll wait with you till she comes!" she said. 5 minutes later Alexa knocked on the door and Shannon opened it. Alexa came in "Tara do you know where James went?" Shannon asked. "He went to the studio!" I said. "Thank you! I'll try to be back fast! Bye!" she said and left.

Shannon's POV

I hope James listens to me because I can't see my two best friends so broken! Today the streets weren't very full so I was at the studio fastly. I was looking for James everywhere and found him finally in the waiting-room. "James?" I asked walking towards him. He was looking down and upset! "Oh...hi Shannon..." he said looking at me and then back down. "James I know what really happened! Kendall and Tara didn't kiss!!! Let me explain you!" I said he looked up again and made space for me to sit. I sat down "See...they were in their suite, Kendall was in the kitchen and Tara in the bedroom. Kendall wanted to go to Tara and was on his phone while Tara wanted to go to Kendall and also was on her phone. Both crashed and fell on each other and their lips just TOUCHED while they fell, they NOT kissed!" I said and James stared at me. "Really?!" he asked with a confused look. "Yes!" I said and he smiled again. "Okay I think I have to go to Tara!" he said and ran downstairs.

James' POV

I drove as fast as I could and finally arrived when I opened the door and saw Tara laying on the couch crying. Alexa was sitting at the top of the couch stroking her hair. I ran to her and sat her up "Tara I'm so sorry for not listening to you!!! Shannon explained me what happened in Germany and again I'm so sorry!" I said hugging her. "Will you forgive me?!" I asked staring into her beautiful eyes. She was wiping off her tears and then kissed me. That was the most passionately kiss we ever had. Then I knew we were together again❤

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