Chapter 22

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"Now you can take it off!" James said and stopped the car. I took them off and stepped out of the car. I saw a huge arena. "James, where are we?" I asked looking at him. "In this arena we first met! Come!" he said. All the beautiful memories came up your mind. "Tara sit there!" James said when we entered. He pointed to a stool which was on the stage. I looked and smiled at James happily. He smiled widely and said "What're you waiting for!?". I quickly kissed him and jumped on the stage and sat on the stool.

It was just like the day I was picked as James' Worldwide girl. I kept thinking about it and stopped when I heard music playing.

"Do you ever wonder,

When you listen to the thunder,

And your world just feels so small.

So put yourself on the line,

And time after time,

Keep feeling inside,

like they don't know you're alive.

Are you on the mind

Or just Invisible?"

A few tears started to roll down my cheek. This was my favorite song and he knew that. This song was just like a lucky bracelet or something for me! It alsways made me feel secure. I always had need to this song.

I still have cuts and bruises from everything in my life before I met James, I just don't let them show.

"But I won't let you fall,

I see you through them all,

And I just wanna let you know"

These lyrics got me out of the thoughts of my terrible past.

It's weird but sometimes I still can't believe where I am and what happened. After all these years I still can't believe how happy I am to have James, without him, I might have died. James's a livesaver, he's MY lifesaver.

"When the lights go down in the city,

You'll be right there shining bright.

You're a star and the sky's the limit,

And I'm being by your side.

Ohh you know,

You're not Invisible to me,

Ohh you know,

You're not gonna be Invisible."

He sang the song till the end and when he finished I stood up and ran to him. He put his arms around me, kissed my forehead and smiled. I burried my head into his chest. "I love you" he whispered softly. "I love you too" I said and leaned my head up to kiss him.

We stood there like that for a moment but when James' phone buzzed, he quickly pulled it out of his pocket and opened it.

James' POV

"Everything's set up!" the message from Kendall said.

He helped me to set up a firework which's gonna shoot up Tara's name in the sky. I put my phone away again. "Tara, I have another surprise for you!" I said. "James you really don't had to! This was perfectly enough!" Tara said. "Nah, I can't stop to make my queen happy!" I said and hugged her. She chuckled and said "You're cheesy but that's one of the reasons I love you!" she said. I kissed her cheek, grabbed her hand and walked out to the car. She sat in and I started to drive towards the peer where the firework was set up.

When we arrived I opened the door for Tara to come out.

"Sit here" we walked over to the table there and she sat down. I also did. I messaged Kendall and told him that we were here. He messaged right back and wrote he's gonna start it in 3 minutes. During that time we just talked a little bit. The 3 minutes were over and the fireworks shoot in the sky. First they were just exploding in separate spots but then they exploded with Tara's name. "James is this your other surprise?" Tara asked amazed. "Yup" I smiled and leaned my head down to kiss her. She leaned up her head and we kissed. "Boy, you're just amazing." she smiled when we pulled away. I leaned in again. Tara smiled through the kiss and I also did. I pulled away and we drove to Carlos' place to pick up the kids and then we drove to our place.

The next day...

Tara's POV

I woke up with James' arms around me. I tried to get up without waking him up and I succeeded. I walked into the kitchen where I think my phone was. In the kitchen I saw someone I didn't expect to be up this early. "Tony baby, what are you doing here so early?" I asked him and picked him up. "I'm making breakfast for you and daddy!" Tony said and pointed to the milk and the bread which were on the counter. "Aww you're so sweet boy! You definitely got this from your dad but you should go to sleep! You still look very tired!" I said and pocked his nose. "Okay mommy but can you come with me?" he asked with puppy eyes. "Of course I can! Especially when you ask with these eyes!" I chuckled. We went upstairs to his room and I laid him on his bed. I laid beside him and waited till he fell asleep. When he did I walked downstairs again and James was already awake. He was in the hall reading the mail. "Good morning Mr. Maslow" I said and hugged him from behind. He chuckled and said "Well you too Mrs. Maslow!". He turned around and kissed me.

"So what we're gonna do today?" I asked when we both pulled away. "I don't know, what do you want to do?" James asked. "Well it's been a while we were in the park! We could go there!" I said. "Okay! Everything for you" he said and leaned in. We were about to kiss but then we heard Danielle crying and pulled away. "I'll go!" I said and ran up the stairs.

I went to Danielle's bed, in her room, and picked her up. "Shh baby it's okay. I'm here now" I whispered and kissed her head. She calmed down a bit and I went downstairs again, with Danielle still on my arms. "James can you make a bottle for her?" I asked rocking Danielle in my arms to get her to sleep again. "Sure" he said.

He got the bottle ready and gave it to me. "Thanks" I said and started to feed Danielle. After seconds of drinking she fell asleep again. I laid her on the baby bed we had in the living room. "Okay then we're going to the park later?" James asked when I sat beside him on the sofa. "Yup! And ask the others if they want to come too!" I said. "Yeah actually I wanted to be alone with you, Tony and Danielle today!" he said and smiled widely. He was about to kiss me but then Tony ran to us. James let out a small sigh. I chuckled at his reaction and then he also did. "What's up buddy?" James asked as Tony jumped on his lap. "I didn't want to sleep anymore! And I'm bored!" he pouted. "Well we planned to go to the park today!" James said. "And we can go right now if you want to!" I said. Tony's eyes lightened up and he smiled widely. "Yay I want to go now!!!" he yelled. "Okay! Let's go, I help you get dressed!" I said and walked towards the stairs and Tony followed.

I helped him and then I went to get dressed into something comfy. When I got ready I went to pack a bag for Danielle. I walked to her room and took her bag and put diapers and anything she would need into it. Then I finally walked downstairs. "Ready to go?" I asked when I jumped of the last stair. "Yes!" Tony yelled. James looked down at him and smiled, shaking his head a bit.

I was holding Danielle and with my free hand I held Tony's hand. James was holding Danielle's bag and the bag with drinks and anything.

We walked out and I placed Danielle into her stroller and also the bags. Now James was holding Tony's hand. We walked towards the park.

We didn't walk for too long and finally reached the park. Tony let go of James' hand and ran to the kids' part. We smiled after him and started to look for a good place to sit down. Today was a pretty sunny day and basically everyone was here today! After a while we finally found a place. We sat there and I rolled over the stroller so we would face Danielle. We saw she was asleep. "I guess we'll have some time alone" James said and leaned in.

Till noon we were at the park. On the way back James took the stroller and I was with Tony.

When we were standing on the street I realized my shoe was open. I kneeled down to close it. "I'll come after!" I said and James nodded. He walked to the other side with Tony and Danielle.

When I was done, I jumped up and started to walk across the street. Before I knew what was happening James yelled "Go away!" and pushed me down of the street. Then I stood up and saw him laying on the ground with blood streaming out of his nose, head and arms.

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