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He slowed down and we both tried to catch our breath.
"Okay, now I need you to close your eyes."
"Why?" He put his hands over my eyes. I couldn't see anything. I could still hear his cheerful voice.
"Just do it." I let out a sigh and went along with it. He kept his hands over my eyes as he lead me to the unknown.

"Okay, you can open your eyes!" I open my eyes and we are in the school's auditorium. "Welcome to the auditorium!" He jumped on the stage and started dancing like he was in a barber shop.

"Now, for the tour!" His voice echoed through the room like a roar. He grabbed my hand and helped me on stage. He led me only on the stage. "This is stage right. This is stage left. Center. Down stage. Down stage left. Down stage right. Down stage center. Upstage. Upstage left. Upstage right. And Upstage center." He yanked my arm pulling me to the sides of the stage there were curtains and ropes. "Now those are the wings. Those ropes are for the curtains." He dragged me down some stairs into a large room under the stage. "This is the Pitt were the orchestra goes."

We learned all of this in class today.
"You know we just learned this in class right?"
"Yeah, but I wanted you to see it for yourself. It's more exciting and fun."
"I guess."

He shows me the rest of the auditorium. Then we walked to the main lobby.
"Do you want a ride home? My parents wouldn't mind."
"No thanks, I wanted to stop somewhere before I went home. Besides my parents made an emergency plain before this happened. If something happened to them, my relatives would take me in."
"Oh, okay." Danny's dad's car pulled up and Danny started running to it, waving at me. "See you tomorrow!!"
"Bye." He gets in the car and he's still waving at me.

I look at my phone to see the time, 3:30. I still have time to stop by. I start to walk to the hospital. I get there and a nurse takes me to their room. They are still unconscious.
"Hi mom. Hi dad." I brought them some origami flowers I made. They are allergic to pollen so when I give them flowers I make them. I set the flowers down in the table and sat down in the chair near them. "The doctor said you would regain consciousness soon. But there's some brain damage that they're still trying to solve." The nurse knocks on the door.
"I have to take them to the x-Ray machine. If you would?" She gestured me out of the room.
"Thank you. I'll be going now then. Is it alright if I come back tomorrow?"
"Of course."

I leave the hospital and head on home. I look down at my phone to check the time again, 4:45. I grab my key to my house and unlock the door. The moment I walk inside, my aunt is standing in front of me with her hands on her hips.
"Hi aunt Bailey." My voice was timid as normal.
"Where have you been? We've been waiting since 3:00 for you to get here." Her voice was angry.
"I went to visit my mom and dad."
"You could have at least told us. Now, if you don't have any homework, I have some chores for you to do." I put my backpack in my room then come back to the kitchen.

I do all the chores that she tells me to do. Dust all the rooms, make dinner, mop the floors, and vacuum the carpet. As I do the chores, my uncle Perry and her watch tv and my cousin Duncan plays video games on his phone.
"Are you going to be going to visit your parents everyday?"
"That's fine, as long as, when you get here you do the chores. Tomorrow I need you to go to the store and get some things. So, bring this list and don't lose it."
"Okay." I take the list and go to my room for the night.

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