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I haven't visited my parents in a whole month. Me and Danny have been practicing for the audition for a month. Today's the day.
"You nervous?"
"I've never auditioned for anything in my life."
"I'm going to take that as a yes."
"Yes! You'll do great." We've become closer friends now. Danny has gotten better at making me laugh. I've gotten better at projecting my voice. "Ready?"
"No, but let's just go for it."

We enter the auditorium. Mr. Martin is the first to notice us.
"JJ, Danny Boy, I'm so proud of you. Stepping up to base and shooting for the stars. Blow me off my socks. Just because you're my favorite students doesn't mean you'll get a part. But I'll try to get you at the least not cut from the show. Break a leg." He runs to the table with the other directors. The music teacher, Ms. Turner, calls out to the cast.
"Auditions start now. Get in order." We all line up in when we handed in our sign up sheets.

Danny was called in and auditioned, then I was next. As I walk in Danny passes me.
"Good luck."
"Thanks you too." I stand in front of the table of directors.
"Jean Jones?"
"You may say your line." I take a deep breath and release my animations.
"I know Amaryllis. For the time being just say good night my...someone. You can put the name in when the right someone comes along."
"Now the song."
"Good night, my someone. Good night, my love. Sleep tight, my someone. Sleep tight, my love. Our star is shining it's brightest light. Now good night, my someone, good night." I sing the song to the best of my ability.
"Now the dance." The put the music on for Seventy Six Trombones. March in place, jump to the side to side playing a flute, march in a circle, kick to the side, kick to the back, pivit turn, pivit turn, and curtsy. "Alright, that's all. Thank you."

I leave the room, Danny hugs me almost the second I walk out the door.
"I heard everything! You sounded amazing! Even better than practice."
"You sounded good too." He bowed holding his hand out. We both laugh as we link arms and skip through the halls.
"Seventy six trombones led the big parade."
"With a hundred and ten cornets close at hand." We sang Seventy Six Trombones as we skipped outside to wait for his dad to pick him up.

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