Part 1/8

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~~~ A/N~~~
HEY HEY HEYYY so this is the first chapter, please enjoy it!! It was sooo freaking hard trying not to fall for Wonwoo while writing this!! Any way ENJOY!!!!
"Here are the people who will be doing the 4 sets of duos." Mrs. Wang said to the class. We will be doing a school performance in 2 weeks and there will be 5 sets of duos performing songs

Oh please let my partner be Wonwoo!!!

"Baekhyun and Taeyeon, Jiyong (G Dragon) and Chaelin (CL), Wonwoo and..."

Say my name, say my name (hehe see what I did there??)


Wait... nooo!!!

"..Vernon and (Y/N). Please get with your partner and practice really hard. You have two weeks. Good luck and have fun!! Class dismissed." Our music teacher Mrs. Wang said.

I sat in my seat for a few seconds as the class emptied, I saw Wonwoo and Yeri talking and laughing. I couldn't hide it, I was jealous. I was startled when someone tapped me on the shoulder, I turn to see Vernon smiling. I smiled back and we began talking about the song we are going to perform. It ended up being (comment what song you two would sing)

~Next day, after school ~

I was on my way to the music room when I passed Wonwoo and Yeri in the garden practicing.

I ran to the music room and sat there trying not to think about Wonwoo.

Then Vernon came in and we started practicing.

About 10 minutes into our practice Vernon stopped the music and said "OK (Y/N), what's up?"

I looked at him with a confused expression

"You've been zoning out half the time, somethings got to be on your mind. Now, is it something you can talk to me about or is it girly and nasty like um.. those.. um.. you know.. ?"

"Yeah I get you, and its not that. If I tell you don't get mad OK?" I say and Vernon nods his head.

"I.. Well I am kinda disappointed that I got you as my partner and not Wonwoo.." I say

"What?!? Why are yo... OUHHHH YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON WONWOOOOOOO!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH I KNEW IT HAHA!!!" Vernon shouts and jumps around making me blush.

"Shut up Vernon!!! The whole world doesn't need to know!!!" I said and he sat down, but he was still smiling and chuckling.

After Vernon completely calmed down, we continued to practice.

~Time Skip two days before performance day~

"Hey Y/N!!" Vernon said as he jogged up to me in the hallway. "Me and a few of my friends are hanging out later, you wanna come?"

"Mmm, sure!" I answered. Vernon held out his pinky and said

"Pinky promise me you'll come no matter what?"

I looked at him with a confused expression, "Do you always make people pinky promise you they'll be there?"

"Nope, you're the first." He said. I pinky promised him and a devilish smile spread across his face as he jogged away and said "Meet us at the gate after school"

~After School time 2:00pm~

I was listening to music while walking to the gate, I didn't see Vernon or anyone else. So I just stood there and continued to listen to music. About 5 minutes later I felt someone tapping on my shoulders like it's a drum set. I turned around and saw

~~~To be continued~~~

Ayeee please comment and vote!! Luv you guys!!!!

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Kpop - @thebrownkpopper

Dynamic Duo : Wonwoo Fluff Where stories live. Discover now