Part 4/8

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AN: AYEEEEE is anyone on LinePlay??? My acc id and all that LINE stuff are in the media picture above
I rested my arms on the dock rails and looked back at the ocean while smiling. Then I felt something crawling on my hand, I looked down and there was a (comment a bug you're scared of). I screamed and ran behind Wonwoo, grabbed onto his shirt and hid my face in his back, then pushed him toward it while saying "OPPAAAAAA!!!! KILL IT!!" He had a smirk and a faint shade of pink on his face as he flicked it off the rail into the water and said "Don't worry, I killed it!" I slowly got from behind him to see if it was really gone, when it was confirmed I said "Thank you!"

We did not notice it but a couple around our age were watching the whole bug thing and the girl turned to the boy and said "Oppa, why don't you do that for me? You always run away from bugs! He is the example of a boyfriend!" then she came up to me and said "You are very lucky to have a manly boyfriend! Stay together forever! Bye!" then walked away with her boyfriend. Me and Wonwoo looked at each other and both did a small laugh and smiled.

"I should probably go home, I have a lot of homework." I said and started to walk away slowly

"Oh hey um.. I can help you study!! I mean um... if you need help...."

"Sure Wonwoo! That would be great!" I said as I turned around and smiled at him. He smiled back and we began walking together.

We made little short talk here and there, but the silence was peaceful and perfect.

When we were passing the skate park we saw 2 boys jog up to us.

The shorter one said "Annyeong haseyo Wonwoo hyung!! Is this the girl you're always talki-"

The taller one elbowed the shorter one to make him be quiet. Then Wonwoo says

"Y/N, this is LeeChan (the taller one), and Samuel ( the shorter one)."

"Annyeong haseyo noona!" They both said together

"Annyeong dongsaengs."

"It's nice to finally meet you in person!" LeeChan said

I looked at him confused then asked "What do you mean in person?"

Wonwoo cleared his throat both LeeChan and Samuel looked at him, the then LeeChan said "hehe oh um.. nothing!! We should get going and uh... let you two finish your date and couple stuff. Bye!" Both of the boys jogged away. I smiled then looked at Wonwoo and said "You talk about me?" he gave me a small sort of awkward smile.

~~~ To be Continued ~~~

Like 87.9% of when I was writing this fanfic it was 1:00 am or 2:00 am....

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