Part 2/8

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AN: AYE BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH AN UPDATE!!!! ha ok sorry um Vote for this if Wonwoo is in your top 10 bias list!!!
I felt someone tapping on my shoulders like its a drum set. I turned around and saw Vernon, Seungcheol, and WONWOO!!!

I was happy that Wonwoo was here but I was still nervous. I never know how to act around him. (Dumb Dumb starts playing haha no just kidding)

"Hey guys!" I said and waved, they all waved back. I cleared my throat and said "Is anyone else going to come?"

"Nope, why?" Vernon asked.

"Oh I um.. I've never hung out with just guys before.."

They all laughed and Seungcheol said "Don't worry, you're like a little sister to us so we'll take good care of you!!"

"Where should we go first?" Vernon asked. We debated for a while but then decided to go to the arcade.

"Even if we go to the arcade we have to go to the beach to watch the sunset." I said and all the boys nodded

After the arcade Seungcheol drove us to the restaurant by the beach (time: 4:00 pm).

~Narrator POV~

When you guys were getting into the car Vernon and Wonwoo raced to get the front seat, Vernon won and sat in the seat and Wonwoo said "No wait I'm older than you! Seungcheol!! Help Me!!" Seungcheol said "Don't act like you're sad!" quiet enough for only him and Wonwoo to hear and winked at him. Wonwoo went quiet and just started blushing.

~ Your POV ~
When we got to the restaurant Wonwoo and Vernon went to the bathroom. "Sooo Y/N, Wonwoo." Seungcheol said and smiled. I looked down and my face turned red, Seungcheol's smile widened and he chuckled. I kept my face down and smiled. "Haha YES!! Vernon was right!!" I hit his arm playfully and he winced. "So have you told him?" Seungcheol asked, "HA! Heck no! I am barely staying alive with him being here!" I said and Seungcheol whispered in my ear "I think he likes you too" I did a nervous laugh and said "Um... no. I strongly doubt that. He doesn't really seem to notice me that much." Just then Wonwoo and Vernon came out of the bathroom and Seungcheol said "Doesn't notice you eh? Just watch." I looked at Seungcheol and said "Please don't do anythi-" Wonwoo and Vernon reached the table and sat down.

~Wonwoo POV~

When we went into the bathroom I just stood in front of the mirror and said "Wonwoo-ah! Why are you so stupid eh? Just talk to her already! Aish!!" Vernon stood beside me and said "You're crush on Y/N is getting bigger huh?" I looked at him confused and said "What do you mean?" (when you nod your head yes bu- .. you know the rest hehe!! ok sorry back to the story) "Well for the past two years that you had a crush on Y/N whenever she is around you always go silent and just look at her when she isn't paying attention. I think you should just try talking to her, if you want... me and Seungcheol, we can get you two alone.." Just then I turned around and held him by the shoulders (not really in a rough manner) What? No. I can't even talk to her when other people are around, I wouldnt be able to speak at all if its just us two." I said and let go of his shoulders. "Okay fine, I'll just see what we could do." Vernon said and we went back to the table.

~~~ To be continued ~~~

Just wanted to say, all of the chapters are finished I just want to let them out little at a time so I could write another fanfic and let it out right after so STAY TUNED

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