Part 5/8

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We continued to walk till we reached my house. I opened the door and said "Eomma!! Appa!!" They both came out from the kitchen. "Y/N- ah!" They both gave me a hug then said "Who is your friend?" "This is Wonwoo." I said, Wonwoo said "Annyeong haseyo!" In the polite way to greet your elders. Eomma put a hand to her heart and said "Oh he is so polite! Would you like to stay for dinner?" "I don't want to intrude." "No, you are welcome to stay a our guest!" "OK I'll stay."

My older sister walked in and said "Annyeong!! You must be Wonwoo, I am Amber, Y/N's older sister. Nice to meet you!" Wonwoo bowed and said "Annyeong haseyo noona, nice to meet you too!!"

"The food isn't ready yet so just make yourself at home." Mum said

"Oh a Wonwoo is going to help me study, so we'll be in my room." I said and eomma nodded and we started walking to my room.

"Are you sure studying is all you two will be doing??" Amber said with an evil smirk
"I ain't taking care of any baby!!" Eomma yelled from the kitchen, she and Amber burst out laughing while appa walked with Wonwoo and me to my room.

Appa turned to me and said "Just ignore those two. I trust you Y/N, and I am sure Wonwoo will take good care of you."

Then he turned to Wonwoo and said "It truly is an honor to finally meet you in person, you seem just as perfect as Y/N said you are."
"Thank you ajusshi!" Wonwoo said.

We finally got to my room, Wonwoo and I walked in, appa closed the door behind us.

"So you talk about me?" Wonwoo asked. I smiled awkwardy and slightly nodded

"So um.. let's get started." I said and then looked around and said "Oh my gosh.. I left my books in Seungcheol's car!"

"Here, I'll text him and ask him to drop them off." Wonwoo said as he takes out his phone and began typing. I stared at him the entire time, admiring every inch of his face.

2 minutes later he put his phone away and said "Hyung is on his way." I nodded and the room went silent.

"Today is the first perfect day I had in a while."

Wonwoo nodded. It was silent for about a minute than we both said "How" "What's" at the same time. We stopped and we both laughed.

Then Amber knocked on the door and said "Dinner is ready."

"Thanks unni!" I said and Wonwoo and I went to the dinning room and sat down at the table. Wonwoo sat beside appa, which made him sit right across from me.

After we said grace we began to eat. It was silent for two minutes then eomma said "So, how long have you two been together?"

I blushed and Wonwoo choked on his food. Then we looked at each other and both of us had a small sort of embarressed look on our faces.

Amber held her heart and said "Wah you two are so cute!!"
My heart started racing and I didn't know what to do.

"Soooo since when??" Eomma asked again and Wonwoo said "W-well.. *ehem* we"

The door bell rang and I shot up from the table and ran to the door. I openend it and it was Seungcheol.

"You do have any idea how happy I am to see you right now!!" I said and he gave me a confused look. So I continued

"My parents are questioning us about our relationship."

Seungcheol smiled and said "I'll let you get back to them then." He handed me my backpack and waved bye.

I took a deep breath and went back to the dinning room.
I'm gonna learn the dance for Just Right - Got7 and record me doing a cover in the doughnut hoodie!!!

Dynamic Duo : Wonwoo Fluff Where stories live. Discover now