Part 6/7

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~Wonwoo's POV~

When Y/N went to go answer the door her whole family stopped eating and looked at me. I did a nervous laugh and looked down at my food.

"Are you two together?" Amber asked
I said "No... at least not yet."

"Do you like Y/N?" Her dad asked.
I nodded and said "I just don't have the courage to tell her."

Amber and her mom said "Aweeee" at the same time.

Y/N's dad said "Don't worry, I felt that way when I liked Y/N's mum. I'll just tell you this Y/N likes you too."

"No she LOVES you." Amber added in

My face turned pink. That is the best thing I've ever heard!! A smile came across my face. Then Y/N came back in and we immediately made eye contact and I couldn't stop smiling.

~Y/N's POV ~

When I went back to the dinner table everyone was quiet and smiling. I made eye contact with Wonwoo and he immediately looked away. I was so super confused.

"Who was at the door?" Eomma asked

"Oh one of my friends dropped off some books." I said

We continued to eat dinner and conversation came up at times. When we were done eating I volunteered to clean up but Amber said to go talk to Wonwoo. I smiled and nodded.

I met Wonwoo in the living room, he was on his phone. I cleared my throat and he turned around, smiled and said "Eomma want me at home now. Thank you for dinner!" I smiled and said "No problem."
"See you tomorrow?" "Yeah see ya!"

With that I led Wonwoo out the door and we waved good bye. When I closed the door I smiled wide and let out a long breath.

That was AMAZING!!!!

~Next Day At School~

You went up to Seungcheol and said "Hey!! Have you seen Vernon?"

He shook his head "No, I havent seen him all day."

"Me neither. Well if you see Vernon tell him im looking for him OK?"

"Yeah sure!"

~At music class~

I sat down in my usual seat and scanned the room to look fr Vernon. He still wasn't there!

Mrs. Wang came in the classroom and everyone went to other seats.

"Hello class. So first with the announcements, the schedule is going as planned and it looks like its going to be a really good performance day. The only thing is Vernon Chwe and his family had to go to America on short notice so he will not be able to perform with us. Does anyone want to take his place and do the duet with Y/N?"

Wonwoo's hand shot up and Mrs. Wang said "Wonwoo, are you sure you can do two performances?"

"Yes ma'am." He said and made direct eyecontact with me and we both smiled.

"OK. Practice extra hard, the performance is tomorrow night. Good Luck! Class (dibidibi)dissmissed" (comment if you're a SHINee fan)

I walked out of class with a huge smile and went to my locker and put my books in. I felt a small tap on my shoulder and heard someone clear their throat. I turn arount to see Wonwoo standing their like an awkward child.

"I'm going to go practice with Yeri right now, do you want to meet me at The Cafe mmm say 4:30? (Its capitalized so thats the actual name of the cafe. I know its poor but I'm writing this at 2 am, give me some slack here bruh)

I nodded and smiled.

"OK see you then!!" He said as he jogged away and waved bye.

So I have extream allergies to pollen and my neighborhood has a butt load of pine trees so we have a BUTT LOAD OF POLLEN! and so I be taking meds every 8hrs to keep myself alive..... I dramatized that a bit hehe

Dynamic Duo : Wonwoo Fluff Where stories live. Discover now