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AN: So when I was writing this it was so super hard trying not to let Wonwoo wreck my bias list.
After school I went straight home. I ate (comment what you'd eat), then went to sleep

'I don't need to wake up till 4:45 pm cause I have to be back at school by 5: 30 and the performance is at 6:00' I thought to myself then went right to sleep.

My alarm clock rang and I sat up in bed. I woke up smiling. I couldn't wait till tonights performance!! I took a shower and got dressed then headed out the door.

When I arrived at school I went straight to the bathroom and did my vocal warm ups. When I was done I went to the auditorium and went backstage. The whole music class was back there. You could hear them singing and rapping. I found Wonwoo standing beside Mrs. Wang. I walked towards him and his eyes met mine and we smiled. When I reached him he said "Are you ready?"

I nodded "A little bit nervous but I'm good. You?"

"I've never been better!" He said and let out a small laugh.

A little while after Mrs. Wang told us the order we're to preform. Me and Wonwoo were second to last.

~Performance Time~

*audience claps for the duo exiting the stage*

Mrs. Wang went on stage and said "Our next performance will be by Wonwoo and Y/N."

*audience claps*

Wonwoo looked at me and said "You ready?"

I shook my head.

He held my hand "You'll do great!" He said then winked. I smiled and blushed

When we performed it was 10x better than any other time we did it.

When the song finished even me and Wonwoo were shocked.

We bowed and walked off stage. When we got to the back I jumped and hugged him then said
"You were amazing out there !! Like I didn't even know you had that in you!! I mean when we practiced you were hella good but wahh out there I just-"

Wonwoo silenced you with a kiss. You were so shocked that your knees went weak for a second, Wonwoo held your shoulders to keep you standing. When the kiss broke he said "You were the one that was amazing."


Soooooo how'd you people like it??? Please give meh some feedback!! Tell me your favorite parts and all that!! Luv y'all bunnies!!!

Dynamic Duo : Wonwoo Fluff Where stories live. Discover now