Part 3/8

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AN: Yeah I'm not to good at nameing the chapters if you haven't noticed hehe.
~ Y/N POV ~
We talked and ate for a while, then decided to get some (comment your favorite drink). It is about 5:45 pm.

Seungcheol whispered something into Vernon's ear and then they walked closer to me and when Wonwoo wasn't paying attention Seungcheol bumped my arm and all of my (fav drink) went all over Wonwoo's shirt. He whinced at the freezing cold ice cream as it goes through his shirt onto his skin.

I was so shocked and embarrased I just did the first thing that came to my mind. "Oh my gosh!! Wonwoo I'm so sorry!!" I said and tried to wipe it off of his shirt.

If you were Seungcheol, Vernon or anyone else it would look like I was rubbing my hand on Wonwoo's chest, both of our faces dark pink.

"Wonwoo you should take off your shirt and wash it in the ocean." Seungcheol said, I went to go throw the empty cup away, when I went back to the boys Wonwoo was shirtless exposing his chocolate abs. I stumbled and tried not to make eye contact.

"Wonwoo, your face is red!" Vernon said, then looked at me and said "Y/N yours is too!"

I quickly took the shirt from Wonwoo's hand and said "I'll go rinse it out." and ran to the beach side. I couldn't stop smiling, I felt like I should be mad at Vernon and Seungcheol, but to be honest, I couldn't be.

About 2 minutes after I started rinsing the shirt. I felt someone kneel down beside me and gently took the shirt from my hand and said "Here, I got it." I looked and it was Wonwoo. He already had a different shirt on and had a little smirk on his face. I didn't notice it but I was staring at him with a dreamy expression. He kept glancing at me, which made me smile. This is literally THE happiest I've ever been.

After he was done getting most of the coffee out we stood up and I said "We should probably go tell Seungcheol and Vernon we are done." "Oh um.. Vernon's mom called and said he was needed at home so Seungcheol hyung dropped him off." Wonwoo said. It was quiet for a few seconds. I jumped up and said "Ooh the sunset is about to start!! Let's go up to the dock!!" and I unconsciously grabbed Wonwoo's hand and ran up to the dock. We watched as the beautiful sun set over the sea. "Omo... so beautiful!" I said and continued to look out into the ocean. Wonwoo took a piece of paper out of his pocket and quietly read it to himself then cleared his throat and said "Y/N you um.. *ehem* you look very nice today." I turned to him and said "Thank you Wonwoo!" And quickly turned to the guard rails so he wouldnt see me blushing.

~~~ To be continued ~~~

When ever I put to be continued I remember Astro's web drama hehe

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