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~ At The Cafe ~

I walked into the cafe and looked around. My eyes landed on Wonwoo sitting in the corner seat by the window, rapping quietly to himself. I smiled and walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. He looked at me, smiled, then stood up and said "Hey! Do you want a drink?"

"Mm, yeah. I'll have vanilla bean latte (DUDE YOU GUYS HAVE TO TRY THAT AT STARBUCKS OML DASSO GOOOD!!!!!)"

He nodded and left right away to go get our order. I sat down and waited until he came back. He placed the drink in front of me then sat down.

"I got the same thing, cause I never tried it before ^•^" he said and took a big sip. His eyes shot open and he said "OMO!! THIS IS SO GOOD!" I smiled as i watched him take sip after sip.

A little after we started practicing. We got it perfectly on the first and second time.

We talked and ate a for a while. I looked at my watch and it was 8:20pm. I shot up and said "Oh my gosh!!! I'm suppose to be home in 10 minutes!!! Otteokae!!!!!" (Otteokae means 'What to do?' IF I SPELLED IT WRONG PLEAS TELL MEH")

Wonwoo grabbed my hand and we ran out of the cafe and all the way home.

When we got to my front door I looken at my watch and it said 8:31pm. I showed it to Wonwoo and we both laughed.

" We did good." He said, still breathing hard.

"I didn't even know I could run that fast!!" I said and we both chuckled.

" Are you ready for the performance tomorrow?" I asked

Wonwoo nodded, "I think its going to be fun!" He said

"OK, I better go inside now. Thanks for doing the song with me!"

He smiled "No problem. Let's do good tomorrow. Fighting!!!" He held his fist in the air.

We said our goodnights and I went inside.

I ran to me room and went through my closet looking for an outfit to wear.

I chose my (comment what outfit you'd wear)

After I chose my outfit I showered, brushed my hair and brushed my teeth, then went to bed.

~The Next Morning

I woke up happy and did my morning routine really fast and ran to school. I don't know why I wanted to get there so fast but I just did.

In the middle of 2nd period my stomach decided to growl (eureureong eureureong eureureong ne ~~~~ EXO Growl is a gud song hehe)

I moved a little in the seat and held my stomach

'I should have gotten something to eat this morning!' I think to myself.

Out of the blue a piece of paper was tossed onto my desk. I look around to see who did it. I met eyes with Wonwoo and he signals to read the note. I nod and opened the piece of paper. It said
'You look hungry, did you eat?'

I wrote on it 'No, I just ran out the house and straight to school this morning.' Then tossed it back at him.

Class ended and all the students walked out. I searched my backpack for a chocolate bar I always keep in there for emergencys like this. When I found it I opened it and ate it right away.



Dynamic Duo : Wonwoo Fluff Where stories live. Discover now