Rap Monster

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Somehow I feel that Rap Monster (my BAE) is much more suitable with Angsty one-shot. >:)

"Joonie, do you want to go for a date? You're always busy with work and I felt neglected! " I whined, pouting.

"Ah, I'm sorry, but I'm really busy. " he muttered, eyes fixed on his music sheets.

"Okay then. " I sighed, "I wanna grab some coffee, wanna join me for a while? "

"Babe, I can't. " Nam Joon said, giving me a sad expression.

"Fine, I'll go by myself. " I mumbled, walking out from the studio with my pouch in my hand.

Nam Joon never allowed me to go out, alone. He would accompany me wherever I go, even if he's busy as hell. But this time, he didn't even say no.

I wonder why.

Shrugging, I walked down the street and followed the path to the small cafe.

"Two iced Americano, please. " I ordered.

"That'll be 8000₩. " the staff said.

I paid her and grabbed the cups in my hand, skipping back to Nam Joon's workplace- BigHit Entertainment building.

"He'll need this. " I said to myself.

Slowly, I opened the door that leads to his studio. My lips parted as I saw the new make-up artist, Hae In unnie, sitting on Nam Joon's lap.

She wrapped her arms around Nam Joon's neck, kissing him tenderly. Nam Joon didn't protes.

"We have to do this quickly. (Y/N) is coming back in any time. " Nam Joon said.

With shaky legs, I walked away from the door. I dumped the coffees into the trash can and ran back to our shared apartment.

Tears are threatening to escape my eyes, but I forced myself not to cry in public. As I arrived our apartment, I unlocked the door and ran to my bedroom, throwing myself on the bed and buried my face in the pillow.

Screaming in the pillow, punching the mattress, crying like a mad woman... I can't believe what I saw back then. Why? Why is he doing this to me?

Does he gets bored of me? Is Hae In unnie better than me? Well, I guess so. She's his ideal type. I will never meet his conditions.

Nam Joon likes tall girls, but I'm short.
Nam Joon likes girl who have a nice voice, but I can't sing well.
Nam Joon likes girl who is really understanding, well... I guess I'm not.

He could've just break up with me, and date Hae In, but why is he cheating on me now?

Did he forget about the promise he said to me?

"I will love you forever and never leave you alone. "

What about the promise about marrying me?

"When my career is more stable, I will buy you a ring and buy a comfy house which is larger than the apartment we're living now. I promise you. "

But Nam Joon lied. He lied to me. All those sweet promised are nothing more but just lies.

I stood up, leaving the bed and packed up all my stuff while sniffing. My visions are blurry, but I didn't bother to wipe my tears off.

I just wanted to get out from here before Nam Joon comes home. But I was too late, he came home before I could leave.

"Baby, I'm home! " Nam Joon beamed happily, "I thought you went to buy some coffee? Why didn't you come back to the studio? "

Happy because he fucked her just now, I guess?

"Where are you— Woah, what's wrong? Did you just finish watching your drama or what? " he asked as he saw me looking at him with teary eyes.

"What's with the luggage, babe? Where are you going? "

"You don't have to know, Kim Nam Joon. "

"Why? You're my girlfriend, of course I have the right to know— "

"Don't give me that crap, Nam Joon! Why don't you just leave me and continue fucking with Hae In?! " I yelled, "I'm leaving. And I won't come back to you no matter what. You hurt me deeply. "

Nam Joon's face turned pale, his eyes widened as I finished my sentence. He grabbed my wrist and stopped me from walking out the door. Because he knew the words I said are true. I would never come back to him.

"No, p-please, listen! "

"I don't wanna listen. I'm done with you. I'm done with everything. Fuck you, Nam Joon. " I harshly yanked my arm away and finally got out from the apartment that filled with our precious memories.

"(Y/N)! Don't leave me! " Nam Joon shouted, chasing me in the corridor, and I know I'm not fast enough to run away from him.

"Please, just, forgive me this once! I promise I will never cheat on you anymore and love you with all my heart! " he pleaded, tears pouring down his cheeks.

"Oh, so you do know how to cry? " I scoffed, "Kim Nam Joon, listen up. I want you to know that everything I said are true, so when I say I'm done with you, that's mean I stop loving you. Stop making this complicate, just go back to Hae In. She's the one for you. "

"No, I love you, (Y/N). " Nam Joon tightened his grip on my hands, "I'm sorry for what I did. Just come back to me, I can't live without you, baby. "

"But I can. And I don't love you anymore, Nam Joon. I hate you. " I spat, pulling my hands away and entered the elevator.

Nam Joon didn't budge, nor did he stops the elevator. He is just sganding there, staring at me in disbelief.

"Goodbye. " I whispered as the doors are closed.


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