2: Hi, I'm "Justin"

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- Julie's POV -

I groaned, looking at my complete guy makeover.

"I'll miss you sis! Anyway, we'll see each other on the road! Are you excited about the tour?!" Harry hugs me tightly as I groaned.

"No, I'm not excited about being a guy for the rest of the month."

They chuckled.

"Make your voice deeper at all times. No singing in the shower." Liam pointed.

"You never answered my question. Are they cute?"

Harry was about to answer when a tour bus pulled up on the sidewalk.

"THEY'RE HERE!" Louis yells.

"Don't look so nervous." Niall laughed, me hitting him in the arm.

"Now even though you're a guy, Jules.. Do not let these boys touch you, or kiss you." Harry simply says.

"They're gay?!" My eyes widened.

"No! Your brother's just making sure." Zayn chuckled.

"Now come with us." Liam nods, as I obeyed, naturally following behind them.

I was in a button up plaid shirt and some baggy jeans, as well as this guy wig.. Ugh. I wore the gear that Harry had gave me yesterday for both my ass and boobs.

And yes, I looked like your average teenage and hormonal boy.

Yes, I did say hormonal.

The first boy I saw step off the bus was one with a plush pony in his arms, as he smiled, man hugging all five boys.

Cute, yeah he's cute.

The second guy had drumsticks in one hand, high fiving all the One Direction with his free hand.

Aw he's cute too.

The third, had a black haired updo, screaming as he tackled the boys.

Looks jumpy, but fun AND cute.

And the fourth..



My eyes widened as he walked off the bus to hug the boys. Once he reached me, I was hoping for like something.. Like a wink?

Nope, since I'm a dude, I just get a nod.

"Who's this?" Drummer dude points at me.

The five boys waited for me to answer, as I cleared my throat, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Yo, sup.. I'm Justin." My voice surprisingly lowered, just like I practiced.

"Yeah this is the guy we were talking about. He'll be on the tourbus with you because we don't have anymore space for one more in ours." Liam explained.

"I'm Luke." The last one who came out smiled, giving me a man hug.

"Cool to meet you mate, I'm Calum."

"Yes another dude!" The one with the really light hair shade exclaimed. "I'm Michaeelll."

"And yes I'm the coolest one, I'm Ashton." He chuckled, his smile.. Dimples..

Okay, my question was finally answered.

Yes, the boys I'm staying with are cute.

But I don't need to worry about that!

I've gotta worry about winning this, and getting a grand.

That might be hard, not keeping my eyes off of them.

"Do you work out?'' Ashton asks, me chuckling.

"Pfft yeah. Totally. Straight flexinn" I said.

Harry looked at me with a dissapproving look as I bit my lip.

"So! Justin, what do you do?" Zayn purposely switched subjects.

"I'm going to college soon." I nod naturally.

"That's awesome! I sure wish we still went to school." Calum chuckled, Michael nodding in agreement as he stroked the pony.

"You like ponies?.." I chuckled.

"Yeah.." He pouted, shrugging.

The other boys just smiled at him.

"Well we'll see you on the road guys. Have fun Justin!" Niall pointed.

"Voice." Liam reminded in a cough before they left, Louis smirking.

"You sing?" Ashton pointed.

Yes, as a girl I sang. Not as Justin, nope.

"Oh nah. It's just.. This thing Liam's teaching me." I motioned.

"Well.. Here, put your stuff in here." Luke tapped the under part of the bus.

I bit my lip. Yeah I was right, I could NOT stop staring..

I have too, or else they might think I'm this gay physcho pervert.

Looking away, I obeyed. Lifting it open in a struggle but not really showing it, I put my two suitcases into the back.

"Hey, how long are you staying with us?" Calum piped up.

"A month." I plastered a fake smile on my face.

In a way, I was actually looking forward to this.. But since I can't flirt with them, or really do anything as a girl.. Then, no I'm not really looking forward to this.

Why were the boys calling them emos? They looked perfectly non-emo-ish..

"So what kind of music do you guys play?'' I asked, following them onto the bus.

"A bit of rock-ish pop-ish.. Yuh know, we're kind of in the middle." Calum explained.

"But we don't play much of mainstream music.. We kind of like adding our own things in." Michael set his pony down on the couch in the lounge.

"Oh you write your own songs?"

"Yeah, with a little help from our producers.. But yeah, it's perfectly our music.' Ashton nods.

"We're Five Seconds of Summer, by the way." Luke glances at me.

His voice is reeaally deep.. Even deeper than my pretend guy voice!

"Oh cool." I cocked my head, naturally sitting down and pulling out my phone.

Pretty soon, the bus started up.

"Hey Justin! You could have the bunk across from Luke's. Is that okay?'' Michael shouted from the back.

"Yeah, yeah. Thats okay!"

Great, I'm going to have to manage not freaking out, now.

Angrily clicking Harry's contact, I texted him.

Me: This better get me a grand at the end of the month.. ugh,this is horrible >:[

Harry: relax, Julie! Or i mean, Justin? haha take it easy with them, okay? love yaaa xx.

Me: Urgh. whateverrr. love you too x :/

Putting my phone away, I made my way to the back where the other boys were, so I could 'interact' with them.


Here comes where those video game lessons really paid off.



Yaaay! lol :o

I hope you like ittt! I'm really excited to be writing this! :)

PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT! Tell me what ya think!

- BritishBums xox

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