25: Got me up all night

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As I rushfully dressed at the back of the rental car Ashton picked me up in, he could not stop asking me questions.

Julie, what the hell did you tell Luke? Julie, where is he?

Julie this, Julie that.. Ugh he wasnt even giving me anytime to answer.

Once I put my wig on, I sighed.

"Ashton, just let me talk.''

He finally silenced, as we stopped at a stoplight.

"Okay, so what happened?" He eased, me leaning back in my seat.

I breathed out, finally getting myself to talk and explain.

As I did, Ashton frowned, me groaning.

"I know I shouldn't have done that, and I'm sorry." I whispered.

"It wasn't your fault, I get it." He nods. "Clearly you only did it for your own good, and his too."

Glancing at him, I smiled weakly.

As the light turned green, we rushed down the street, and to where the previous venue was.

It was about midnight now, me dressing up just in time we parked.

"Do I look okay?" I asked him, him sighing.

"Your eyes are puffy and it looks like you just cried."

My lips trembled, once again feeling bad that I just said all that to Luke, as I completely lost it again..

I started to cry in my hands softly, Ashton patting me on the back.

"Shh don't cry, okay? Dont feel bad. I mean you had a reason for doing that."

"But.. I really, really like him and I just--"

"Remember what you told me when Jennie broke up with me?" Ashton cuts me off.

Looking up at him, I blink my tears away. "Umm.. Don't obsess over Alex Gaskarth?" I mumbled, wiping at my eyes.

He laughed, his laugh making me chuckle lightly.

"Oh..I-it wasn't that?" I sighed, wiping at my eyes. "No, wait.. I told that to Jennie, never mind." I waved.

He smiled. "You told me that if it's meant to be, you'll always find a way back."

Oh yeah..

"Well what if it isn't even meant to be. I mean after this.. Pretty much 3/4's of your band will hate me, I'm not going to college and I'll forget about you guys, OR the three will never find out and I'll go to college happily. Which one sounds better?"

"The second choice." He agreed, nodding with a sigh.

"Well either way, you'll still be my friend, right? Even if you're Julie or Justin.."

I shrugged. "I've only known you guys for about two weeks now."

"There's still two more left." He grinned.

"But then after that.."

"Don't worry about it right now." Ashton cut me off. "Now man up so we could get to the bus." He nods sternly.













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