47: That escalated quickly

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- Julie -



"Wanna go out with me?" I asked, biting out of my cookie.

"Hey you, NO eating in this library!'' The mean librarian just scolded me as I dropped my cookie, startled.

"Sorry, gosh." I whispered, picking it back up and just tossing it into my book bag.

Gross. I'll have to clean that later.

"Wait, did you just ask me to go out with you?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Ugh, not in that way, Lily! But you know what I mean. I'm going out with the my brother and his crew in like an hour."

I watch her finish jotting something down before looking up.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't even know." I chuckled, shrugging.

"Tonight? Is it a party, or?.."

"No, I told them I didn't want anything special, soo." My voice trailed, as I closed my book.

"It's your eighteenth birthday! You've got to be shitting when you say you don't want anything 'special'

"I'm not that kind of person. Again."

"I know, I know." She waved, chuckling before she nudged me slightly.

I pulled a small smile.

"So nothing special?" She questions as I nod once in comfirmation.

"Yep, just a night out with One Direction. They might just take me to Nandos or somethin'." I shrugged, her laughing.

"But ugh I literally crave some of their food right now. That would be good.''







- Luke -



Soo, we were forced to come a bit earlier to help set up and invite more people in.

"HEEEY LOOK WHO'S HERE!" Louis points at us four from the porch as I chuckled.

"Hey Louis!" Michael called, him waving briefly.

"Hurry your butts up we have an hour to get this all done and settled!"

"I can't believe she's 18!" Ashton says as we walked in to find a few people that we didn't know, and One Direction.

"Heeey, what's going on?" Niall greets, jumpy as usual.

We all give him manhugs and high fives.

"Sup, Luke." Liam breathed out, setting a hand on my shoulder. "Things are good?"

"Yeah, why?" I respond, glancing at him.

"Nothing, just asking. Thanks for getting all the courage to come."

"Yeh, no problem." I smiled.

"Okay, okay! Don't just stand there, help me blowing all these balloons and putting on music." Harry motions. "This literally has to be perfect."

"Don't stress it! She's not much of a picky girl, you know." Niall chuckled.

"Still! I want to surprise her." Harry shrugged.

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