Chapter 4: Dude, She Cursed.

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Chapter 4: Dude, She Cursed.

I'm already awake but I don't want to open my eyes yet. Then I felt something soft under my arm. Something cuddly.. And.. Furry?

My eyes instantly opened. Gosh, good thing it's only Batman. I don't want to sleep with Joker. Whooh! Just the thought will make me pee myself here in the bed. Speaking of pee.. My bladder's full now. Have to go to the bathroom, bye-bye!

But before I can get to the bathroom, I stepped on something hard which I'm pretty sure wasn't the floor because it made an 'oompf' sound and it freaking moved, making me squeal.

That's when I realized I stepped on Daniel. I forgot he was sleeping there!

"Oh god. Danny! I'm sorry I forgot you're there. Are you okay? Oh, stupid me. Who'd be okay if you got stepped on? Sorry, Danny." I offered my hand to help him stand up. He take it and when he's already on his feet, he slightly grimaced and held his hand to his stomach.

"Don't worry, Hazen. I'm okay, really. It hurts slightly but it'll be gone in a few minutes. Promise. By the way, where are you going?" I ran my hand to my face, frustrated that he's still nice even though he got stepped on. Wait, what did he say lastly?

"What?" I suspiciously asked him.

"What 'what'?"

"You said where am I going? How'd you know I'm going somewhere?"

"You're getting out of the bed when you stepped on me. So I guess you're going somewhere? You hungry? I'll prepare a breakfast." Oh. Figures.

"Yeah right. Actually, I'm going to the bathroom."

"Oh. What if you prepare yourself so after we ate breakfast, we can take a walk and go to see your RV?"

"Really?" I asked excitedly. Finally! I miss my husbands there.

"Yeah. Wait." He went to his closet and rummaged his clothes. After what felt like forever, I heard him say "Okay, this will do" then went back to me and gave me a big jean-cloth dress shirt. "Go on. There were towels already and some necessities you'll need inside the bathroom. I'll be downstairs, alright?"

I nodded and whispered thanks. I went to the bathroom and locked the door. But before I can take off my clothes, Danny knocked on the door. "Yes, Danny?"

"Uhm, sorry to interrupt whatever you're doing there but.. I-I.. Would you.. Would you like me to wash your undies, as well as my T-shirt, because I just thought you don't have another one to use after you take a bath, right?"

I stared at the door dumbfounded. What did he just offer me? He'll wash my undies? Seriously? I mean, gosh, he's a guy and all and.. Duh.

As if reading my thoughts, he answered through the door. "Don't worry, I got a washing machine and dryer down the basement so I won't go hand washing it. And.. I know you're thinking I'm a guy. But we're bestfriends right? So no more awkward moments?"

He got a point.

I nodded then slapped my forehead, forgetting he can't see me. "Okay. Wait." I quickly replied then took off my clothes. I opened the door a fraction, and hiding at the back of it, I handed him the clothes.

"I'll prepare breakfast, okay?"

"Okay." I replied, shut the door close then took a shower.

After washing, rinsing and drying myself, I wore the dress shirt Danny handed to me. It's really big for me, reaching just past my thighs, and the sleeves were long it hid my hands. I brushed my hair, as well as my teeth then went to his room.

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