Chapter 39

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2 months later

Things had been going really well for all of us, we'll almost all of us.

Nic had been allowed home and was doing really well. Jason was doing a fantastic job of looking after her. She had wanted to go back to work but he insisted that she take more time off to make sure she was fully recovered.

Howard and Sarah had been inseparable since Howard had told her how he was feeling. They spent every spare moment together. It was so lovely to see although Gary said it was really strange seeing Howard this way.

Gary and I, we were doing great. My business was manic, I had new clients coming to me left right and centre and had managed to secure my first "big" client. It was taking up a lot of my time, so time with Gary was precious as it wasn't as often as I would have liked. Although he was very busy with new music ventures he was getting involved in too.

Which leaves Mark and Georgie. Things had been great for a while.  Mark had loved spending time getting to know little Emily while Georgie was looking after her while Pedro was working. When Emily went back Pedro seemed a lot happier and seemed more focused with looking after her. He didn't really call on Georgie much for advice and Emily seemed happy to be back with her Daddy. Then last week when Mark and Georgie were heading out for a romantic evening her phone rang. It was Pedro.  Mark could hear him on the other end, pleading with her to go round, saying he really needed her to speak to her. She asked him if it couldn't wait til the morning but he said it was really important and he needed to see her tonight. Mark being Mark told her to go. He looked so disappointed but he knew Emily for the time being would always come first and besides he hadn't called her for nearly a month for help. Georgie kissed Mark, apologising saying she would be as quick as she could and left to head to Pedro's. Mark decided to head back to his place and headed into his studio to work on some new music.

When Georgie got to Pedro's the door was open so she let herself in. She found Pedro sat on the sofa in the lounge, head in his hands, crying.  She sat beside him and put her arm around him

"Hey, what's happened? Is it Emily? Is she ok?"

"Emily is fine" he sobbed. Head still in his hands.

"Then what's happened?" 

"It's work, I'm being transferred.  The new contract, they want me to head it up"

"Pedro, that's amazing, isn't it?" She asked hesitantly as he obviously didn't think so or he wouldn't be sat here in tears.

"Yea" he said looking up at her "it's a fantastic opportunity. A big promotion and a massive pay rise"

"Well, then why are you so upset?"

"Georgie, it's in the states"

"Oh, oh I see, well how long would you be gone for if you take it, is it a big contract?"

"It's huge Goergie, the company are going to be expanding out there from this. They will be opening up out there and that's the problem" he lowered his head again. "They want me to run the American part of the business"

"So, you would move out the permanently?"

"If I took it, yea"

"Well it's an amazing opportunity, a massive life changer, think of the possibilities"

"I know, but what about Emily?"

"She will adjust, she will be fine"

"Georgie, would you come with us, you could get a modelling job out there, it would be great for your career too. Emily would want you to be with us, I want you to be with us. I couldn't go and leave you here"

"What? Pedro I couldn't, I mean, my life is here, I couldn't just leave and go to the states. I just couldn't".

"I need you Georgie, I couldn't do this without your help. Emily needs you. I can't afford to turn this down, it's my best opportunity, it's what I've been working towards for so long"

"I know Pedro, and that's great, I'm really happy for you, honestly I am, but I can't go, I just can't"

"But you promised your sister you would look after Emily and me, you promised her Emily would come first. Well if you don't come with us you will be breaking that promise to your sister"

"Pedro, that's so unfair. You're asking me to leave everything behind and follow you while you fulfil your dreams. Yes I promised my sister but this, this is too much. What about Mark? I can't just leave him. All my friends"

"Georgie, please, I'll take care of you, please for Emily, say you will come. The three of us will be fine, we will have what ever we want out there. The opportunities for Emily as she grows up will be far better out there"

"This is too much, Pedro I'm sorry, look I'm gonna go"

"Please just say you will think about it. I have to give my decision by Friday. Take some time, let it sink in. I'll ring you in a couple of days. I won't go if you decide you won't come with us"

Georgie got up, dazed and in shock with what Pedro was asking of her. She drove home, her head was spinning. As she pulled up she realised Mark had gone. She was actually relieved, she wasn't sure what she was going to say to him about what had happened tonight. When she got inside she opened a bottle of wine and just flopped down on the sofa. Everything Pedro had said, everything he had asked of her, this was by far the biggest yet. All she kept coming back to was his words 'you promised your sister to put Emily first'. He was right, she had promised her, but this was too much, surely even her sister wouldn't expect her to up root and move to a different country, would she?

She needed to sleep, her head was pounding, she couldn't think about it anymore tonight. She quickly sent Mark a text, apologising that they hadn't been able to have their planned evening together and saying she would ring him tomorrow.

Mark had fallen asleep on the chair in his studio, when he was woken by his phone beeping. He sleepily looked at his screen, when he saw Georgies name flash up he gave a warm smile as he read her message. He quickly typed a reply ' hey babe, that's ok, don't apologise, we will have plenty of other evenings. I love you so much, sweet dreams xxx'.

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