ChApter 2

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Chapter 2

It was 6.30, we were waiting for take that to arrive. Nicola was hoping to get a glimpse of Jason tonight before the show started. As the car drew up, everyone was jumping up and down and screaming. The car didn't stop but drove straight into the arena. I could she how disappointed Nicola was, it took everything in me not to tell her whose party it was we were going to to try and make her happier.

"Come on Nic let's go get some drinks before we go and sit down".

I gave her a squeeze and off we went.

The concert was amazing as always. We danced, sang and screamed all night. As we started to leave nic turned to me "Lu I really don't feel like going to this lame party, can we just go home, please?"

I knew she was down cus she hadn't seen Jason earlier.

"Please nic, come with me, I really want to go to this party, I have a good feeling about it. I think you might enjoy yourself when you get there".

I gave her my puppy dog eyes, she can never say no when I do this. She knew exactly what I was upto and laughed.

"Ok, but if it turns out like the last one, I'm leaving straight away".

I squealed and gave her the biggest hug.

"Blimey Lu, what's got into you tonight, you are acting really strange"

she rolled her eyes as we walked towards the nearest waiting taxi. I handed the card to the driver so as not to give nic any ideas where we were going.

As the cab pulled up outside The Manor nic looked at me and shrugged. We paid the driver and got out and started heading towards the doors. Nic grabbed my arm

"are you sure this is where the party is, it's not the usual dive these things are held in".

I giggled and pulled her with me into the building. Once inside we stood and stared,

"wow, look at this place, who the hell do you know that can afford to hold a party here?"

"You'll see".

I handed the card Gary had given me to a steward who ushered us to a door which had, VIP Only written on it. He opened the door and we hesitated before slowly walking inside. As we entered we were greeted by banners everywhere which said, end of tour party, congratulations take that on another sell out tour!!!

"Fuck Lu, how the hell did you get an invite to this, more to the point, who did you have to sleep with"

I hit nic playfully on the arm. We walked into the room

"do you think the boys will be here? god I hope so, to just see Jason would be a dream come true".

I could tell by nics face she was thrilled with the possibility of finally seeing her idol. We stood for a while just taking in the surroundings, I was secretly scanning the crowds for Gary, hopping to catch a glimpse of him again.

"Sit here nic and I'll go grab us a drink".

Nicole sat down at the empty table and surveyed the room. Suddenly a hand touched her lightly on the shoulder, she spun round to come face to face with Gary smiling his dazzling smile at her.

"So, you must be Lucinda's plus one. When she asked me if she could bring someone I thought she meant a partner, unless?"

He hesitated,

"god no, she's my best friend, that's all".

She guessed what Gary was thinking.

"I'm Nicole, pleased to meet you".

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