Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Gary had fallen asleep as we had been sitting on the sofa. I carefully moved, leaning his head on a cushion and lifting his legs up. He looked so peaceful. I gently kissed his cheek and went off to prepare some dinner. We had been sitting there for hours and I had suddenly realised I hadn't even had a drink since I got up over 7 hours ago.

I busied myself in the kitchen, making some chicken pasta and salad. As I didn't want to wake gary I had put my earphones in and was listening to some of my favourite tunes. As 'do what you like' started to play, I couldn't help but dance around the kitchen. What I hadn't realised was that Gary had woken up and was standing in the doorway watching me make a fool of myself. I stopped suddenly when I saw him, very embarrassed that he had seen me like that. He on the other hand, was laughing at the sight before him. I pulled my earphones out of my ears and turned my attention back to the salad. Oh God! How embarrassing. Still laughing, he walked up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist, swinging me round, he whispered in my ear

"I love you"

As he put me back down, I turned in his arms, looked into his eyes and kissed him passionately.

When we finally tore our lips apart I held his face in my hands and whispered

"I think I love you too".

While I was dishing up dinner he fetched 2 glasses and a bottle of wine and we sat at the table to eat. I was soo hungry. It was now nearly 3pm. When we had finished eating, Gary turned to me and took hold of my hand. As his thumb drew small circles on the back of mine he said he had something to ask me.

"Ok, ask away"

"Well, you know we have just finished the tour, me and the boys usually try and get away for a bit. Go on holiday and avoid the public eye. We have booked to go next Monday and I was wondering, if you would like to join us?"

"Oh, that's a lovely thought but I don't want to get in the way of you chilling and relaxing with the boys. Maybe we could get a weekend away some other time"

He looked disappointed but said he would love to go away for a weekend sometime.

After we had tidied up we decided to go out for a walk. The weather had been lovely today and the air was still warm. We walked to the local park and sat on a bench just watching the world go by. I had my head resting on Gary's shoulder, my fingers circling in the smattering of hair on his chest, just peeking out over the top of his v-neck t-shirt.

"I'm so glad that I have told you about what happened last year. I was scared you may not want to keep seeing me once you heard"

I lifted my head up to look at him, he was staring out across the lake in front of us. He looked gorgeous, with the sun shining on his face, the stubble growing across his chin.

"Why would I not want to keep seeing you. You never did anything wrong but have a slightly misjudged one night stand. It does make one thing clearer for me though. I now understand why you keep asking for permission before we make love."

"Well it really shook me up, what happened. You are actually the first person I have slept with since it all happened. I haven't looked at anyone since, but that day I saw you walking down the road, singing our songs, I was hooked. I had to get to know you, and it scared the hell out of me the way you made me feel." He bent his head down to reach mine, resting his forehead against mine. "I'm so glad I did too". He kissed me tenderly on the end of my nose.

We walked back, hand in hand, talking about what we were going to do over the coming week before he went away. To be honest I felt a little sad at the thought of him going away and not seeing him for 2 weeks.

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