Chapter 28

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JASON!! She calls again as the door shuts behind him. He's gone, Nic stares at the door, the door he just walked out of, leaving her there, alone. She knows it's what she said she wanted but deep down all she really wanted was for him to stay, to hold her and tell her everything was going to ok.

Jason knocked into Gary as he was rushing to leave, "hey Jason mate what's up?" Gary shouts after him as he starts to run down the corridor.

"Go after him, quick" I urge gary as I head back into see Nic to try and find out what's happened. Gary quickly follows the path Jason took to try and catch him up. I knock gently on Nics door but get no reply. I decide to enter anyway. When I open the door I see her staring through me, like she is in some sort of trance. I head towards her, as I get closer I can she she is shaking. Quickly I pull her close to me, being careful not to hurt her

"Nic, what's happened? Why has he just ran out of here like his life depends on it?" She just stares at the door. "Do you need a doctor, shall I buzz for you?" I go to reach for her buzzer when she reaches for my hand to stop me.

"He's gone, Lu he's gone. What have I done, why did I tell him to go". She breaks down and tears steam down her face.

"What, why, I don't understand Nic, why did you tell him to go? What's happened?"

She tries to explain to me but through her sobs I can't understand what she is saying. I hold her close and try to help her calm down. Rocking her gently, I stroke her hair as her tears fall freely. After about half an hour she stops shaking and her tears turn to sobs. I pass her some water and get her to take some. She sips the cool liquid and tries to steady her sobbing. Eventually she seems calmer.

"Right, let's start again, why did you ask him to leave?"

"Oh Lu it's all such a mess".

"Hey come on, it can't be that bad, I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding or something" I try to sound positive but to be honest I'm totally confused as to what the hell is going on here.

"Lu, I've had a miscarriage, that's what was happening, why I was bleeding"

"WHAT? You were pregnant, how, when?"

"I don't know, I didn't know I was, but during the crash I must have hit my stomach hard, I was bleeding internally but they never picked it up. Anyway, they said the injuries were so servers that they had to perform a hysterectomy. Lu I can never have children". Tears started to fall again.

"Oh no Nic". I tightened my grip around her. "I'm so sorry, but what I don't understand is why you would ask Jason to leave! you don't blame him do you?"

"Oh god no of course not, I love him Lu, but how can I be with him, he wants children so much and I can't give them to him. I thought it would be best for both of us if I let him go now, so he could find someone who would be able to give him the children I know he wants"

"Is that what he wants too? I can't believe he would just leave you, now after this"

"Lu I didn't give him a choice, I told him to leave, he didn't want to but I said I need him to go. Only as he was walking out I realised I needed him, when I called he just carried on, he didn't even look back. He's probably relieved I gave him an out. Oh what have I done"

"Hey come on, it's going to be ok, once he has time to process everything he will be back, I'm sure of it. He loves you, any idiot can see that, he's not going to walk away from you that easily"

"But how can I expect him to stay with me knowing I can't give him the family I know he wants. We have discussed this, he wanted to make sure it was something I wanted in the future to before things got too serious between us"

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