Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

The next couple of days we all spent exploring the island. The boys showed us all the places they had found when they had visited before. It was such a romantic place, lots of hidden coves and secluded beaches. It was certainly a place for the rich and famous.

We had been here now for a little over a week and we had all grown so close. We were like one big family. I could see why Gary loved them so much. I had grown really fond of them all and only known them for such a short time. They were all so different but fitted together so well.

Mark seems really happy at the moment, things with Georgie seems to be going well, but I still can't shake off that feeling that there is something she's not letting on to. I just can't get that phone call out of my head.

It was Wednesday morning, we only had 3 days left before we had to head back to reality. Gary and I decided that we would head back out to sea and do some more diving. I was really enjoying my new found love of the sea. Mark and Georgie had gone shopping, again. I really don't know why he needs so many clothes! Jason and Nic were going to spend the day at the villa, relaxing. As for Howard and Sarah, well when he told me what he had planned for them that day I wasn't so sure Sarah would be up for it but he assured me she would love it.

"Right, make sure you have sensible shoes on today, no heels" Howard told Sarah as they were trying to get ready to head off. "Please, tell me where were going? I hate surprises " she pouted at him. "You can look like that all you like, I'm not telling you, just trust me when I tell you, you won't be disappointed". He kissed her neck as he walked up behind her and held her in his arms. "I promise you will love it"

He left her to finish getting ready and headed out to see Jason. "Howard, are you sure this is going to be her thing"

"Nope" he laughed "but you know how much I love it there, I want to show her how amazing it is"

"Well I just hope it doesn't back fire on you mate"

Sarah appears dressed in cut off jeans, tshirt and trainers. "Will this do?" She says looking puzzled at him. "Perfect. Come on let's get going"

They head outside to the waiting cab that has come to pick them up. They drive for about an hour, the scenery changes and they are surrounded by mountains and valleys. The car pulls up and Howard gets out and takes Sarah's hand. He leads her to what looks like a little hut at the foot of a mountain. "Howard, what are we doing here?" He opens the door and she sees two small rucksacks and walking poles waiting on a table. "You have got to be kidding me! Please tell me you are not expecting me to climb that bloody mountain out there?" She almost shouts at him. He looks sheepishly at her and gives her a half grin. "No way, uhuh, not doing it"

"Oh come on" he says walking up to her and holding out his arms. She steps back out of his reach "I don't climb hills, let alone bloody mountains, what made you think I would enjoy this?"

"Well, I've been up here before, and believe me when we get to the top you will be glad you experienced it. I love it up there and really want to share this with you. None of the lads would ever come up here with me" "I'm not surprised" she interrupts.

"Please, for me". Oh god, how can I refuse, look at him. "Right, you are going to owe me big time for this, do you understand, big time!"

He grins like a child at christmas who sees all his presents for the first time. "I promise you will be thanking me by the end of it". "I doubt that very much"

He hands her the lighter bag of the two and a pole.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, Sarah looks up, she can't even see the top "come on" Howard laughs as he takes the lead and starts to climb. After what seems like hours of walking Sarah stops "how much further, please tell me we are nearly there". She looks up at Howard who has stopped a little way ahead of her. "Not far now, you are doing soo well, I can't wait til we get to the top". "You and me both" she says under her breath so he can't here her. She takes out the water from her rucksack and gulps it down. "Save some for the return journey" he laughs seeing her down half the bottle in one go. They walk for about another half and hour when they reach the top. Howard takes her hand and leads her across the top of the mountain to the other side. "Howard, OMG!" Sarah's breath it taken away by the view before her. "Beautiful isn't it" Howard's whispers into her ear as he stands behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. As she looks out she can see the whole of the island spread out before her. "Look" Howard points out to the left of them "see that there, that's our villa". Sarah can just about make out the villa in the distance "here look through these, he hands her some binoculars. She looks through them trying to find the villa, when she does she quickly looks away again. "Well looks like Jason and Nic are enjoying their time alone down there". Howard grabs the binoculars and focuses on the villa, "dirty bugger". He laughs as he sees Jason laying back enjoying the attention he is receiving from Nics mouth. "OMG, give me them" she says pulling his attention away from them. "Sorry" he laughs "just wait til we get back"

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