Chapter 26

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Jason grabbed hold of my arms "what do you mean, Lu what has happened to her"

"Ow, Jason please, you're hurting me"

Gary held on to Jason's shoulders, "Jason, Jason, come on, let go" Gary's voice was very calm. He gently pulled Jason away for me. I couldn't stop shaking. Gary looked at Jason, still holding onto him "she's going to be fine, the doctors are going to sort this out and will be out here In no time telling you you can go back in and see her"

Jason shrugged away from Gary's grip, "you don't believe that any more than I do" he spat as he turned on his heels and headed down the corridor. "Jas, where are you going, you can't leave now" Gary shouted after him.

"Gaz, it's fine, I'll go with him, you stay her with Lu, looks like she needs your full attention". Howard gestured towards me. I was now crouched down outside Nics room, my whole body shaking. Howard followed Jason down the corridor.

Gary sat down on the cold hospital floor next to me and pulled me into him. His arms around me like my own comfort blanket. Normally, when he does this I would instantly start to feel better, but not this time. I was oblivious to anything going on around me. My eyes were fixed on the door in front of me, waiting for news that she would be ok. What was taking so long. Surely that was good news, right. They must have restarted her heart and now making sure she is stable again, right? Then why didn't I believe it. We sat there on the floor for the next half an hour. Suddenly the doors to nics room opened and a doctor appeared.

Gary shot up off the floor and helped me up. Sarah came over too, so she could hear what the doctor had to say.

"It was touch and go for a while, but we managed to bring her back to us. She is still in a critical condition and the next 12 hours will be crucial. She will have round the clock monitoring, a nurse will be with her at all times. She is one tough young lady, wasn't going to give up without a fight. You may as well all go home and get some rest. You won't be able to see her for a while. We will ring if anything changes"

"Thanks Doc, we really appreciate all you are doing" Gary shakes his hand.

"It's what we're here for Mr Barlow. Now I suggest you take this young lady for some much needed rest" he looks down at me. I must look a state. I have no make up on and I have been crying pretty much none stop.

"I will, and again thank you".

Gary turns to Sarah "right let's go find those two and let them know what's going on". He put his arm around both our shoulders as we walked to find Howard and Jason. How is he so in control, I am a total mess. We head outside to see Howard comforting Jason in the grounds of the hospital. We head over to them and Howard looks up, shaking his head. Gary realises he is trying to say Jason isn't in a good place.

"Jason, Jay, look at me". I kneel down next to the bench where he is sitting. He looks up, tears still filling his eyes "Jay, she came back, she isn't out of the woods but she came back"

He threw his arms around my neck, crushing me "really? She's going to be ok?"

"Well they said the next 12 hours are crucial so we just have to wait now. We all need to go and rest, they said they will call if there is any news. Gary has booked us into the hotel just down the road, it's nothing posh but he thought you would want to be as close as possible"

"You lot go, I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving this hospital without her, I can't" he stands up to head back inside.

Gary grabs his arm "mate come on, you need some sleep, what good are you going to be to Nic in this state"

"I'm not leaving her, she needs me"

"Yes, you're right, she does need you, so you need to get some rest and then we can come back later and see how she is doing, please jay come back with us"

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