Chapter 1

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Part 1- The Arrival

-Day 1
(Erik Sullivan)

The first thing I see is absoultely nothing but blue. Bright, baby blue. Nothing more, and nothing less. I feel like I'm paralysed. I feel like I am nothing but a rock, just staying put, until something gradually moves me. A tingle in my toe, a twitch on my face, and a curl of a finger was all it took for me to release myself from that paralysis trap. I jump to my feet, absorbing my surroundings.
Everything was too bright to see, but as my eyes adjusted, I could finally see more than just baby blue. I stand upon the whitest sand. I dig my toes i the soft pallete of sand and bury each little piggie alive. The sand brought me to a warm feeling, until I was cut off by the thought of confusion. I pull my toes out of the sand and begin pacing up and down a mini trail I've formed in the sand. I check more of my surroundings. Blue waters crest on the edge of the beach, topped with white foam at the end of each crescent wave. The water splashes onto the damp sand and jerks back into the ocean to restart their process.

Behind me is a giant pile of boxes, crates, bags, and cases of various items. No words or writing are on any of the cases, but are surely filled with valuable items. I open one crate. Bottles of fresh water, matches, sleeping bags, even guns. The strange thing is though, that the order all of these boxes are stacked, is not in a scattered fasion. Not fully organized, but I can tell by the way these supplies are placed, they weren't washed up from shore. These we're manually placed.

"Help!" I shout. "Somebody help me! Where am I?!" No respond. I search the perimeter to find anybody at all.

My breath gets heavier and my heart beats shoot through the sky. I try to see if anyone was in the palmettos or the trees, heading away from the beach,but nobody was in the sidelines of the jungle-like forests.

"What?" I hear someone slur. "Where am I?"

"Thank God, someone else is here!" I said to the voice on the other side of the pie of supplies. I leap over a crate and trip over a coil of rope, planting my face into the sand. Thankfully, the sand is so cushioning, it barely hurt. I bring myself back up to my feet.

How did I get here?" The woman asks.

"I-I.." My mouth refused to spit out any words.

"Are we stranded?" She panics. The woman begins running hysterically, searching through the sand. "My phone."

I was perplexed as of what he said. "What?"

"My phone, I need my phone! I need to call my dad, the police, someone! I need to get back home!" She squeals. "Come on! Help me find my phone! I can get you a ride home on my dad's helicopter!"

I stood still, staring at her desperately digging through the sand and crates.

"Come on! I need my phone!"

"I don't think the person who put us here would let us keep our phones." I respond.

The lady slowly arises from the ground, whilst looking at me the whole time. "What do you mean, 'the person who put us here'?"

"Look, lady, I don't know how we got here, but I'm pretty sure that those crates we're placed by people. Supplies don't just wash up so conviently like that."

She raises one brown eyebrow and lowers the other. How would you know all of this?" She says suspiciously. She adjusts her dyed blonde hair out of her face as she approaches me. "I wouldn't think that a lot of people would've made that conclusion so easily, unless they we're the one to set all of this up!"

"Hey it's not like that!" I protest. "You've got the wrong idea lady, I'm not here to kidnap you!"

"Are you saying you have another reason to be here? Possibly rape me, torture me, kill me? What do you want?! I'll have you know my father will have you killed if you do anything to me! You already sentenced yourself to death by getting me stuck on this stupid beach!"

The lady starts rummaging through bags, crates and anything nearby, spilling packaged food and tools on the ground. I make my way to her slowly, trying not to corrupt her due to her false paranoia. "Lady, I can assure you, I'm just as confused as you! But please dont accuse me of that! It's too far fetched!"

"Aha!" She shouts. " Enough of your bullshit, Kidapper!" She pulls out a pistol and points it directly at my chest. "Tell me, Sick-O, how old are you?"


"Hm. Starting the kidnapping at a young age. Such a shame. Tell me, sweetie, what's your name so I can tell my survival story to the reporters." She sassed.

I felt so disrespected and embarrased. I hated that she kept saying all this about me, but in the situation I'm in right now, there's not much I can do, except obey. "It's Erik. Er-erik Sullivan."

"Eh-eh-eh-rick S-s-sullivan." She mocks because of my nervous studders. "Now listen, Erik. You may think just because I'm a woman, means I'm weak and deserves to be thrown around like some slave, but I am a woman, and I have rights!"

"I totally agree! And I do think we both deserve better! But lady, this wasn't me doing this! I just feel like you're flustered and you feel like you need to blame someone for this! I get i-"

She scoffs and pulls back the hammer on the gun. She plants the barrel of the gun right where my heart is. "You did not just tell me I'm wrong! I am never wrong! And stop trying to pretend you are still a victim! Your'e caught! It's over! And now its time to pay your dues!"

Right before she pulls the trigger, I halt her! At the last second, the idea popped into my head.  "Wait! Hold on! Don't shoot!"

"Give me a good reason why I shouldn't!"

"Well.." I strain, giving me more time to think. " If you kill me, then, you'll never get back! Right? Because, only the kidnapper kows how to get in and out!"

Her face reflects a look of indecisive feeling. She parts distance between us. "Your'e putting me in a tough situation." She argues.

Try standing on the other side of the gun. I thought to myself.

"Turn around. Now. Hurry." I face away from that woman without hesitation. The crunchy sound of someone treading through sand is heard behind me. She grabs a lock of my hair and pulls back to where I'm facing the sky. " I may be keeping you alive for now, but once I find my way back to safety, you're s desd man. Got it?"

I nod anxiously.

"And my name is Sandy. Not, 'Lady'."

A blunt force is applied to the back of my head and next thing I know, I'm knocked out cold.

The first thing I saw when I woke up, and the last thing I saw when I was knocked out, was the clear, baby blue sky.

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